2020 saw a major disruption in the way many work, learn, and socialize online. C'est pourquoi nous avons été témoins cette année de nombreuses cyberattaques, dont les pires sont décrites ci-dessous. Nous accompagnons les PME dans leur développement IT. The good news is that details of the cracks have not been released. Our businesses are more connected than ever. The campaign first launched in 2012. Scammers are leveraging the COVID-19 pandemic to steal your money, your personal information, or both. Bitglass, qui propose la sécurité totale dans le cloud, dévoile les résultats de son étude Insider Threat 2020 relative aux menaces internes en entreprise. Networking event by Cyb-RI on Thursday, January 30 2020 with 120 people interested and 28 people going. pin. Your feedback can help us maintain or improve our content. The first attack took place on 4 October, killing one civilian and wounding over 30; it was one of the first serious attacks on civilians in the conflict outside the Nagorno-Karabakh region. This will be achieved notably through education. In sum, 2020 will turn out to be an exciting year from the standpoint of cyber security. This is what the European Cybersecurity Month 2020 is about, which we are launching tomorrow to boost awareness about online safety and the cybersecurity skills needed for the future. MCS 2020 assembles a line-up of leading security experts in the media industry for an exchange on current online security risks, mitigation strategies and industry trends. FBI Sees Rise in Fraud Schemes Related to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic. Face à la pandémie et aux perturbations économiques majeures, préserver sa propre vie privée et sa sécurité en ligne ne sont pas nécessairement des priorités. Nous sommes temporairement en mode de maintenance, ce qui signifie que vous ne serez pas en mesure de s'inscrire à une newsletter. La journée Cybersécurité organisée mardi 24 mars 2020 par IBM France avec le CEFPEP, initialement prévue en présentiel dans les locaux d'IBM, a été réorganisée en … Des universitaires détaillent une nouvelle attaque sur les appels chiffrés 4G. The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) is the Union's agency dedicated to achieving a high common level of cybersecurity across Europe. National Institute of Standards and Technology . The Ganja ballistic missile attacks comprise four separate ballistic missile attacks on the city of Ganja, Azerbaijan in October 2020, during the 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war. Quelles sont les compétences les plus recherchées chez les développeurs en 2021 ? Each participating EU Member State has a dedicated webpage with updated information in the local language. #BeCyberSmart’, helping to empower individuals and organizations to own their role in protecting their part of cyberspace. surveyed) and 22 per cent in 2019, to 26 per cent in 2020. Our ambition is to offer EU citizens the safest information space in the world. This may mean that more charities are being targeted but could also mean that they are better at identifying breaches than before. 2020 has been a year like no other in living memory, as hardly any facets of our lives have been spared the ef- fects of the worst public health crisis in decades. L'année 2020 a été marquée par un grand nombre de cyber-attaques importantes dont beaucoup auraient pu et dû être évitées. Quitte à en faire oublier d’autres, plus discrets mais tout aussi redoutables comme l’a montré l’affaire SolarWinds. Users can find tips and advice in 23 languages, awareness raising materials, online quizzes, links to events and more. Cartelera Teatro Cariola. Internet of Things Cybersecurity Improvement Act of 2020 or the IoT Cybersecurity Improvement Act of 2020. ... Forum International de la Cybersécurité - FIC 2020. click for more information. The 2020 Remote Work From Home Cybersecurity report surveyed more than 400 cyber security decision makers, ranging from technical executives to IT security practitioners and representing a balanced cross-section of organizations of varying sizes across multiple industries. Trois choses à faire et à ne pas faire sur Zoom, Les cinq choses à faire en 2021 pour devenir un meilleur DSI, Les meilleurs services de streaming musical de 2021 pour les mélomanes, Recevez le meilleur de l'actualité IT Pro chaque jour dans votre boîte mail. Stay updated - subscribe to RSS feeds of both ENISA news items & press releases! 70 . … Posted on 29 février 2020 by Attaque. 72 . inmac wstore, votre partenaire à valeur ajoutée, fournit tous les services autour de Microsoft 365. San Diego 246, 8320000 Santiago, Chile. The goal of this theme is to encourage users to have a heightened awareness of cyber scams when conducting business and personal transactions online. The official website of the ECSM campaign is cybersecuritymonth.eu. Join the campaign on Twitter @CyberSecMonth with hashtags #CyberSecMonth and #ThinkB4UClick, and on Facebook @CyberSecMonthEU. It is important to foster a culture of state-of-the-art security across vital sectors of our economy and society.”, Vice-President for Promoting our European Way of Life, Margaritis Schinas, said: “The European Cybersecurity Month aims at raising our cybersecurity awareness and getting us up to speed with the cyber threats; it reminds us that we can easily step up our own cybersecurity by getting into some good digital habits. The 4th edition Cybersecurity Week Luxembourg took place in particular circumstances. Sujet: VMware’s KB81731 lists steps to revert the workaround if needed. Executive Vice-President for A Europe Fit for the Digital Age, Margrethe Vestager, said: “As our daily lives and economies become increasingly dependent on digital solutions, we need to realise that cybersecurity concerns us all. Nel dicembre 2020 la Commissione europea e il servizio europeo per l'azione esterna (SEAE) hanno presentato una nuova strategia dell'UE per la cibersicurezza. Live Music Venue +56 2 2696 7101. Email: nistir8286@nist.gov. Jump to. Retour sur les attaques qui ont marqué l'année 2020, Par 74 : All comments are subject to release under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). De nombreuses organisations n'ont pas encore adopté des règles suffisantes en matière de sécurité, et les vulnérabilités constituent une menace constante pour les réseaux d'entreprises. The third attack … S'il vous plaît vérifier à nouveau peu de temps pour reprendre le processus d'abonnement. Dopo un mese di detenzione del nostro compagno Gabriel, arrestato il 25 gennaio scorso in Portogallo, il tribunale di Guimaraes si è espresso a favore dell`estradizione nello stato spagnolo. It is also an unprecedented impulse that places France as a leader in promoting a road map for European digital strategic autonomy. Hide Map. Hundreds of activities, such as conferences, workshops, training sessions, general presentations, webinars and online campaigns, will take place across Europe for the entire month of October to raise awareness of cybersecurity and provide up-to-date digital security information through education and sharing of good practices. Comment passer efficacement au management agile ? This bill requires the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to take specified steps to increase cybersecurity … Networking event by Cyb-RI on Thursday, January 30 2020 with 120 people interested and 28 people going. According to the 2020 CIRA Cybersecurity Survey, two-thirds of IT workers were required to work from home because of COVID-19. Cisco Talos Intelligence Group is one of the largest commercial threat intelligence teams in the world. Repeat steps for all Windows-based servers affected by CVE-2020-4006. The ECSM website also features an interactive map, where people can access and join activities. Programme. Mardi 01 Décembre 2020. Attn: Applied Cybersecurity Division, Information Technology Laboratory . Faced with a very changing situation, the FIC organisation team is fully mobilized, in constant contact with the competent authorities and all the people involved, to welcome you all in the best possible sanitary conditions. Charlie Osborne Merci pour votre patience. The first theme examines ‘Cyber Scams’ by sharing insights on current and potential cyber threats. Cyberattaque, Covid-19 : Bruxelles alerte les plateformes sur une nouvelle vague de cyberattaques, Un quartier de Londres frappé par une importante cyberattaque, L'Organisation maritime internationale cible d'une « cyberattaque sophistiquée », Les États-Unis accusent deux nouveaux membres du groupe cybercriminel Lazarus, Acer Aspire 5 Pro Series : cap sur l’expérience utilisateur. Friday, August 7, 2020 at 9:00 PM – 3:00 AM UTC-04. Further European Cybersecurity Month information can be found cybersecuritymonth.eu, Cybersecurity Strategy of the European Union. La cybersécurité n'est peut être pas le sujet qui nous vient en premier quand on pense à cette année. La cybersécurité n'est peut être pas le sujet qui nous vient en ... de rançon ont continué en 2020, ... fournir des services de change ont toutes été affectée par l'attaque. Sécurité : La pandémie n'a pas empêché les cybercriminels de multiplier les piratages au cours de cette année. Cybersécurité Cybersécurité : Pourquoi les attaques rançongiciels ont explosé en 2020 Good Morning FrenchWeb, une émission animée par Joseph Postec et la rédaction de FrenchWeb. ENISA contributes to EU cyber policy, enhances the trustworthiness of ICT products, services and processes with cybersecurity certification schemes, cooperates with Member States and EU bodies, and helps Europe prepare for the cyber challenges of tomorrow. Consiglio europeo straordinario, 1 e 2 ottobre 2020; Un futuro digitale per l'Europa (informazioni generali) Promuovere la ciberresilienza Strategia dell'UE per la cibersicurezza. EU Agency for Cybersecurity Executive Director, Juhan Lepassaar said: “ This year’s European Cybersecurity Month explores how to make our shared cyber ecosystem more resilient by sharing best practices and … This strategy, led by ANSSI, is the result of coordinated interdepartmental efforts to respond to emerging issues of the digi… MCS is the only industry event focusing on cybersecurity issues for media in … Each year, the European Cybersecurity Month brings together EU citizens to join forces under the slogan ‘Cybersecurity is a Shared Responsibility’ to unite against cyber threats. The second attack occurred on 8 October; no casualties were reported. We also use analytics. Forced remote work was even more prominent in the public sector, where 78 per cent of IT employees worked at home compared to 60 per cent from private firms. Publicité A côté de la tragédie Sunburst ayant frappé le logiciel de cybersécurité Orion de SolarWinds, l'année 2020 a été marquée par une particulière recrudescence de cyber-attaques frappant des entreprises utilisatrices. Encouraging people to ‘Think Before U Click’, the 2020 campaign highlights different cybersecurity themes to help users identify and prepare for cyber threats. Our homes are more connected than ever. Altran, Airbus, Eurofins, l’agglomération du Grand Cognac, M6 ou encore Edenred pour ne citer que ces cas, en 2019 les attaques informatiques visant les entreprises ont alimenté l’actualité tout au long de l’année. CUP Interactive SAS (France). And that's a little scary because the challenge for ESXi, Qemu and Docker was to get control of the host OS. 100 Bureau Drive (Mail Stop 8930) Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8930 . Cybersécurité : une année 2020 sans précédent L’année qui s’achève aura été marquée l’agressivité des cyberdélinquants attaquant à grand renfort de ransomwares. Cybersecurity is essential for our European way of life.”, Commissioner for Internal Market, Thierry Breton, said: “Just like land, sea or air space, the digital information space sometimes has security loopholes that need to be closed. Probabilmente il 2019 sarà caratterizzato dall'aumento dei furti di dati sensibili dagli smartphone e l’incremento dei malware di cryptomining, ad affermarlo è il “Security Report 2019” redatto ddaalla Check Point Software Technologies, azienda specializzata in sicurezza digitale. The ECSM allows us the opportunity to engage directly with EU citizens, businesses and organisations to raise their awareness of cyber threats,  build on this knowledge and together advance cybersecurity on all fronts.”. August 21, 2020. We use cookies on our website to support technical features that enhance your user experience. The European Cybersecurity Month (ECSM) is the EU's annual awareness raising campaign dedicated to promoting cybersecurity, taking place each October across Europe. Activities focus on phishing, business email compromise and online shopping fraud. ECSM is coordinated by the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) and the European Commission, and supported by the EU Member States and more than 300 partners (governments, universities, think tanks, NGOs, professional associations, private sector businesses). | Digitalisation des entreprises - Innovation - Intelligence économique Alors qu'une grande partie de la population mondiale s'est tournée vers le télétravail et que les entreprises sont rapidement passées aux opérations à distance, les acteurs malveillants se sont aussi adaptés. ‘Cybersecurity is a Shared Responsibility’ – ‘Think Before U Click’. Après le Covid, le numérique s’impose progressivement dans le secteur de la formation. Mentions légales | Confidentialité | Cookies | Paramètres de Gestion de la Confidentialité, Les événements IT virtuels à ne pas manquer dans les semaines qui viennent, Fuite de données sur les policiers du Belarus, Organisation maritime internationale des Nations unies, Une cyberattaque peut donner naissance à de nouveaux virus et toxines, ERP : la solution de gestion de référence pour les entreprises en constante évolution, Paramètres de Gestion de la Confidentialité. Posted on 28 mars 2020 by Attaque reçu par mail / samedi 28 mars 2020 Ricordiamo che il nostro compagno anarchico Gabriel é stato arrestato in Portogallo lo scorso 25 gennaio dopo un … This workaround should only be a temporary fix until able to fully patch the system. The health and well-being of our visitors, partners, employees and suppliers are at the heart of our concerns. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 75 : 5 dossiers IT à découvrir chaque mois, Découvrez la nouvelle génération de stockage qui offre la disponibilité, la performance et l’agilité sans compromis. about 5 months ago. 20 - 21 Oct 2020. Hosted by Eventos populares en Chile. This is what the European Cybersecurity Month 2020 is about, which we are launching tomorrow to boost awareness about online safety and the cybersecurity skills needed for the future.”, EU Agency for Cybersecurity Executive Director, Juhan Lepassaar said: “This year’s European Cybersecurity Month explores how to make our shared cyber ecosystem more resilient by sharing best practices and developing cyber skills. | Les fuites de données, les infiltrations de réseaux, le vol et la vente de données en masse, le vol d'identité et les demandes de rançon ont continué en 2020, et le marché clandestin ne montre aucun signe d'arrêt. Show Map. Des recherches suggèrent que le travail à distance est devenu la source de 20 % des incidents de cybersécurité, que les rançongiciels sont en augmentation, et que nous devons encore intégrer le fait que "123456" n'est pas un mot de passe adéquat. ENISA is an agency of the European Union. The theme covers e-privacy matters such as personal data protection, cyber bullying and cyber stalking. Cybersecurity Awareness Month Theme. Sections of this page. The COVID crisis has disturbed everyone's plans, and it was not easy to organize events with low visibility. Des chercheurs israéliens mettent en évidence les dangers potentiels des nouvelles techniques de "biohacking". Being aware of cyber scams and thinking before you click are part of the easy-to-follow advice to limit risks. 33% of U.S. companies anticipate some positions moving to permanent remote work and over half (55%) plan to … To opt-out from analytics, The annual cybersecurity awareness campaign is coordinated by the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) and the European Commission, and supported by the Member States and more than 300 partners from across industries. Cybercriminalité Tous droits réservés. This October marks the European Union’s 8th European Cybersecurity Month (ECSM), promoting online security among EU citizens. Nous partageons avec vous nos témoignages clients, webinars, livres blancs... 73 . The theme for 2020 is ‘Do Your Part. The French national digital security strategy, announced October 16th, 2015 by French Prime Minister Manuel Valls, is designed to support the digital transition of French society. This year’s ESCM campaign has been designed to address security issues surrounding the digitalisation of everyday life, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic. For questions related to the press and interviews, please contact press (at) enisa.europa.eu. L'attaque ne fonctionne que lorsque l'attaquant se trouve sur la même antenne que la victime. Today, to launch the campaign, organisers have published  a video to provide EU citizens with tools to integrate into their daily cyber activities. Pourtant, les cyberattaquants n'ont certainement pas laissé de répit à qui que ce soit cette année. European Cybersecurity Month 2020 ‘Think Before U Click’ kicks off today, IoT Cybersecurity: Webinar Series to Tackle Security Challenges of IoT, Artificial Intelligence: Cybersecurity Essential for Security & Trust, Blue OLEx 2020: the European Union Member States launch the Cyber Crisis Liaison Organisation Network (CyCLONe), European Cybersecurity Month 2018 - Deployment Report, European Cyber Security Month 2016 - Deployment report, https://www.enisa.europa.eu/news/ecsm-2020-files/ecsm-2020-sv.pdf. Cybersecurity Breakthrough Awards recognizes that many of the entries are internal or proprietary in nature, or are done for the government or another company, so unless you grant permission for your entries to be displayed in our winner’s gallery, only the judges will see your nominations. Una retrospettiva di Stormshield sulle macrotendenze rilevate nel primo semestre 2019 Le coût moyen d'une attaque de ce type peut atteindre 2 millions de dollars. 71 . The sessions aim to promote the importance of cyber hygiene and establishing good practices online. 2020 vient à peine de commencer et déjà le bureau de change londonien Travelex, Le Robert et la ville de Las Vegas, siège du célèbre CES, ont annoncé avoir été la cible de pirates informatiques. Tra frodi ad opera di servizi di assistenza tecnica fasulli e cyberattacchi condotti ai danni di singoli Paesi, anche nei primi sei mesi dell’anno la cybersecurity è stata sotto i riflettori. clock. Cybersecurity Week Luxembourg 2020. — TianfuCup (@TianfuCup) November 8, 2020. Inscrivez-vous au webinaire, Cryptomonnaie : Nvidia cherche le bon équilibre, Microsoft réduit de dix à cinq ans la durée du support de Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC, SolarWinds : du code source d'Azure, Exchange et Intune dérobé, IA : IBM présente une nouvelle puce à faible consommation d'énergie, L'usage des machines à voter dans l'élection présidentielle rejeté par le Sénat, Les travailleurs agiles en période de pandémie dessinent la nouvelle façon de travailler, Copyright © 2021 ZDNET, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. The second theme centres around ‘Digital Skills’ by providing educational activities to inform the general public on information security. http://www.enisa.europa.eu/media/news-items/news-wires/RSS, http://www.enisa.europa.eu/media/press-releases/press-releases/RSS.