So he takes a drug against his addiction to paper clips, but gets addicted to it. Les Guignols de l'Info, c'est fini pour le moment, depuis le 30 juin, on se retrouve à la rentrée, à ciao bonne vacances! Although his sex scandal (and his alleged foot fetish) became comedy fodder a couple years before the DSK affair, so Tron's recharacterisation is a bit of a. Amongst French politicians: François Bayrou; Philippe Douste-Blazy; Roselyne Bachelot; François Léotard; Nadine Morano... Nadine Morano is portrayed more as a rabid fangirl for Sarkozy since the 2012 presidential campaign due to the fact she's very active and somewhat undiplomatic on Twitter. JoeyStarr (and most rappers, actually) ended every sentence with "Quoi !" Every time François Mitterand is moving, it makes a squeaky wheels sound. ("Indeed!" ("Dumbass! ", "Mais quelle tête de con celui-là !" Désolé de vous ennuyer de nouveau mais sur le jeu des guignols de l'info il y a des vidéos, qui était au format quicktime à l'époque. The whiny voice doesn't help. The entire sequence is a. Daniel Cohn-Bendit and Noël Mamère were supposed to campaign for Éva Joly's election in April 2012. Nous ajoutons régulièrement de nouveaux services de VOD et SVOD mais nous n`avons pas trouvé d`offre pour "Les Guignols de l'info : Putain 20 ans !" en streaming. Jean-Luc Mélenchon, European deputy and then-leader of the Left Front (radical left). He started off as a serious minister before. La dernière des Guignols de lâInfo a eu lieu en juin dernier, deux mois plus tard, ils auraient fêter leur 30 ans. Les Guignols de l'info, émission emblématique de Canal+ et créée par l'illustre Alain de Greef, qui nous a quitté lundi. Continuera? Regarder Les Guignols de l'info : Putain 20 ans ! On peut y voir tout le gouvernement de Nicolas Sarkozy reprendre la chanson "Désolé" de Sexion Dassaut ! Good evening." ». He'd like to make the Revolution as soon as possible... if only he could find the time, his job as a postman keeps him busy. This guy in particular just loves engorging in his money. For a long time, the soccer club Paris Saint-Germain's way of playing could only be described as epic fail, (in one case. Jacques Chirac's puppet. Essentially the French version of Spitting Image, it uses latex puppets as caricatures of prominent political figures to satirize national and international politics in sketches but also touches upon other topics such as sports, cinema and French television in general. Vincent Bolloré devrait entériner la décision vendredi 3 juillet auprès des actionnaires. ", François Hollande has started to rival him during his presidency; he was the least popular president in France since the beginning of the Fifth French Republic (until Emmanuel Macron, that is), but the Guignols flanderize this into having the whole population absolutely. — Nicolas Sarkozy), "La prince il dit..." ("Da prince says..." —, "Ah bon ?!" 4,6 sur 5 étoiles 13. "What we sell to Coca-Cola is available human brain time.". They're also particularly harsh on TF1 since this TV channel became more and more populist, focused on light entertainment and heavily commercialized. When dinner's over, he gets up to go do the dishes! Patobeur a écrit: « A part pour les gauchos y’a vraiment rien de drole, les paroles sont affigentes. (Philippe Gildas, former TV host on Canal+), "Désolé..." ("Sorry..." — Michel Denisot), "Vous avez vu ma femme tellement qu'elle est belle tellement qu'elle est mannequin tellement qu'c'est ma femme !" ("This is a revolution!" Jean-Pierre Chevènement, after a serious allergic reaction to surgery anaesthetic and an 8-months coma, got "the candidate of the living, the candidate of the dead, the candidate of the living-dead". With Yves Lecoq, Nicolas Canteloup, Daniel Herzog, Sandrine Alexi. His puppet self-criticizes his own policies and calls for his own resignation as if the President was someone else. His greatest pleasure? Jean-Louis Borloo, the former Ecology Minister. Good evening." His "jokes" are so awful they leave PPD speechless almost every time. Laurent Fabius (PS) mixes mumbling and fast-talking with pauses that feel like he has a disorder. Jean-Luc Mélenchon (even though the real one is pretty wise-cracking...). After Brice Hortefeux left the government, Claude Guéant largely covered this niche. For the PS (center-left / left-wing), it is Bertrand Delanoë, then-mayor of Paris. How the American characters see the French, of course. or "Aneffet !" Patrick Le Lay has open disdain for TV viewers and wants them to remain morons so his channel will keep being the number one. On top of being appallingly bad, his jokes are immature and really tasteless, to say the least. Oops, le contenu ne peut pas être chargécar vous avez des problèmes de connexion, A seulement 11 ans, Gui Khury détient le record du 1080 sur vert ramp au skateboard, Eruption de l’Etna sous un soleil couchant, Adam Sandler rejoue 25 ans après le swing d’Happy Gilmore (suivie de la réponse de Shooter McGavin), Port du masque : comment éviter les boutons, Solution anti-système : un hack de caméras de surveillance avec des lunettes qui cachent votre visage. Les Guignols, qui se sont amusés à parodier Intouchables, ne sont pas les derniers lorsqu'il s'agit de trouver l'inspiration magique qui transformera une bonne idée de départ en un sketch que personne n'oubliera. Jacques Chirac also had the habit of doing one along with his. he said he was illegally elected due to the 2000 recount in Florida and requested a new election. For the UMP (former RPR, right-wing), it is Alain Juppé, former Prime Minister and mayor of Bordeaux, or François Fillon, Nicolas Sarkozy's prime minister. While François was presented as a, Michel Rocard, half the time. Nicolas is even. Super Menteur (Super Liar), François Bayrou. Religions are portrayed as World Companies plotting to control the faith of humanity. Les Guignols de l'info was a popular French News Parody and Satire puppet show broadcast on Canal+. SI vous regardiez plus vous verriez que les frères sylvestres apparaissent encore, P.S:Lol Maintenant c’est tout le temps la faute a la crise on rejete tout dessus, trop top, j’ai vu le clip n fois et je continu de me marrer. More recently, François Hollande. 5:07. PlanetVidéo. ("Come ooooooon, I want to be president!" For example, a shovel can come from out-of-screen to shut up one of the less-liked personalities (like Jean-Marie Le Pen) before he or she can utter a word in an interview. CONFIRMATION - Selon nos informations, "Les Guignols de l'info", c'est bel et bien fini. But not too late, she works tomorrow. Philippe de Villiers (sovereignist politician), who uses medieval words to describe Muslims and LGBTs. Hervé Bourges and other members of the CSA (French censorship institute), who have to be given. :) Faut pas insulter les guignols! Raymond Domenech, former coach of the French national football team, is. "Travailleurs, travailleuses, le grand Capital vous ment, le grand Capital vous spolie..." ("Male workers, female workers, the Great Capital lies to you, the Great Capital is despoiling you..." — Arlette Laguiller, "Salut bonhomme !" Capture d'écran du sketch Pol Fiction des Guignols de l'info sur Canal +. Quand je vais à mes rendez vous pôle emploi, le conseiller, bon on va chercher les offres sur le net comme si je ne l’avais pas fait à la maison, à chaque fois même constat, diminution des offres une fois il ne m’a rien donné car il n’y avait rien. Que les valeurs de lâOccident sont toutes liées à lâ$$$ et que câest bien de vouloir en avoir peu importe les moyens. Alors que la France s'émeut depuis jeudi de la possible disparition de l'emblématique émission satirique de Canal+, 20 Minutes s Marine Le Pen, daughter of Jean-Marie Le Pen (far right), is portrayed as such. Of course there are none. Je veux être président !" From their beginning in 1988 (when the show was known as Les Arènes de l'info) to 2015 it was hosted by PPD, a puppet of famous French news anchor Patrick Poivre D'Arvor (or PPDA, as he is better known by the audiences)note PPDA having been fired from his real life job on the channel TF1 in 2008, the authors had also introduced for a time a new anchorman, Harry Roselmack, who worked every Friday as his "apprentice". Ever since the rape accusation scandal, DSK appears as a, Some recent and highly controversial sketches featured Spanish sport stars such as. For instance, the show's portrayal of Jacques Chirac during the 1995 Presidential election as a likeable everyman getting backstabbed and betrayed by former friend and rival Édouard Balladur (then Prime Minister) was claimed to have helped him get elected. 2:37. — François Bayrou, center-right unsuccessful presidential candidate), "En effet !" Karl Lagerfeld always has a sharp tongue when commenting fashion he deems horrible. Même vous, vous pouvez admettre que cette parodie est criante de vérité et super marrante de surcroît. Whatever Michel Denisot tries to do for Canal+, it usually fails miserably with him saying "Désolé..." ("Sorry..."). Bruno Mégret, once Jean-Marie Le Pen's rival on the far-right. Lâémission culte des « Guignols de lâInfo », disparue de lâantenne depuis 2018, va ressortir des cartons pour rediffuser les meilleurs moments de la marionnette de Jacques Chirac. ("You've seen my wife? Swimming trainer Philippe Lucas, when commenting on sportspeople who failed. Dominique Strauss-Kahn: after the sex scandal, now only shows up in a, Georges Tron later became the right-wing equivalent of DSK, wearing a leopard bathrobe just like him. en core bravo. Arlette Laguiller. — François Mitterrand, former president), "Eeeeeheeeee..."; "Uuuuhuuuu..."; "Je veux être un président, "Abracadabrantesque !" Actualité Huit sketchs cultes des Guignols. 02/07/15 17h38 . Allez les droitistes !! Michel Denisot, one of Canal+'s most prominent producers and TV hosts. ("You must be kidding me! In 2006, the same journalist tried to interview prominent movie stars. — Philippe Douste-Blazy; he rarely says something else). 6 ⦠Touche pas à mon poste. Les Guignols de l'info - Monsieur Sylvestre et Kim Jong-il (2002) SB+ Vidéo. Interestingly, unlike most occurrences of this trope, the show didn't treat French soldiers as especially cowardly or weak, but just horribly poorly equipped. TV producer Patrick Le Lay, about the fact that he produces garbage on TV for audience rates and "sells audience attention time to Coca Cola". "Excusez la tenue, je sors de la douche..." ("Pardon the dress, I just got out of the shower..." — Dominique Strauss-Kahn, every time he appears since the Nafissatou Diallo affair, always wearing a leopard bathrobe), "PAAAAAYYYYS DE MEEEEEEERDE !!!" « Les Guignols de lâinfo » sont de retour (ou presque) dans « TPMP » sur C8. He always wants to create more and more debilitating reality shows and. Édouard Balladur has the habit of quietly repeating the end of his phrases... the end of his phrases. Nikos Aliagas (host of French music reality programs) can never pronounce PPD's full name correctly. Olivier Besancenot too. Played with for Nicolas Sarkozy during his last presidential campaign, to parody his sudden shift to "candidate of the people" in his speeches. Les Guignols de l'info : Alain de Greef explique l'humour au CSA. — Roselyne Bachelot, former right-wing minister and later TV show host). Les Guignols ( French pronunciation: [le É¡iɲÉl], The Puppets ), formerly Les Guignols de l'info ( French pronunciation: [le É¡iɲÉl dÉ lÉÌfo], The News Puppets ), was a daily satirical latex puppet show broadcast on the French television channel Canal+. Les Guignols. Hugo Lloris, goalkeeper of the French national soccer team in the show's very last years. Essentially the French version of Spitting Image , it used latex puppets as caricatures of prominent political figures to satirize national and international politics and heads of state in sketches but also touched upon other topics such as sports, cinema, music and French television in general. Also former prime minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin, after an infamous address in 2005, during the campaign for the referendum on the European Constitution. Thierry Roland, the late soccer commentator. Europe 1. Après, quand on est à droite et qu’on refuse de voir le bilan catastrophique, forcément on peut trouver ça naze ;). PPDA's hair being fake. Vive la farine ! —, "Formidable !" T’es tellement hypocrite que tu nies la justesse des paroles, comme tant de gens qui votent pour une équipe de truands (n’oublions jamais toutes les magouilles, de woerth a l’affaire karachi notamment) et qui continuent de se voiler la face… Qu’un patron du CAC40 vote sarko c’est compréhensible, mais que le français « moyen » comme un prof ou un chef de petite entreprise compte voter une nouvelle fois pour lui après s’être fait entuber pendant 5 ans ça me dépasse…Enfin bref reste dans ta misère mentale mais ai la décence de la garder la pour toi. The show never spared the heads of the MEDEF (the most prominent French employers' union): Ernest-Antoine Seillière. —, "Ceci est une révolution !" Brice Hortefeux, when he was "Minister of Immigration, Integration, National Identity and Cooperative Development" in the government of François Fillon. Nicolas Sarkozy tried to pass for one during the 2011 Lybian civil war in order to avoid questions about his policy. C’est vrai que les guignols ont baissé de niveau en général mais pour le coup il est quand même bien sympa ce clip :D, niveau humour noir ils sont moins fort que les originaux qu’ils sont sensé pasticher, Les guignols, c’est devenu chiant, comme le grand journal avec ses 15 000 pubs …. A parody of a television news show, the show is a caricature of the political world, the media, personalities or more generally of French society and the world today. Niveau satyre politique y’a beaucoup mieux aujourd’hui. ("For real?!") Ronaldinho's pseudo-Brazilian accent consists in adding "-inho" at the end of every sentence. Cécile Duflot, who seems to be stuck in her rebellious teenager self. Et pour mes amis a de gauche souvenez que câest un peu grâce aux guignol que chirac été élus en 1995. alors keep cool!! En allant rematter l’original, j’ai vu que Kyan avait lui aussi une parodie (cf TF1). A regular happenstance for French philosopher Bernard-Henry Lévy, following a pair of such incidents in. The same went for Ségolène Royal against the other socialist party members in 2006/2007, as shown in. Veuillez revenir plus tard pour voir si une offre a été ajoutée.. 4,6 sur 5 étoiles 14. Serge July: "Écoutez, j'crois qu'c'est clair..." ("Look, I think that's obvious..."). Lionel Jospin, until François Hollande's election as President. After a brief cancellation, the show resumed airing in late 2015 but with a different host and a drastically changed formula more focused on skits and far tamer in its comedy. Ce site est horrible on trouve rien. We never hear his voice anyway... except for rare exceptions. Éva Joly, a French-Norwegian ecologist and former examining magistrate. Also invoked once with right-wing deputy Pierre Méhaignerie. Ce que je comprends de cette vidéo des âGuignols de lâinfoâ : 1. The distributor gave him an orange, an orange press, a knife and left a message saying, "Do that shit yourself!". Bernadette Chirac's handbag. None of his employees can pronounce his name correctly. Cyril Hanouna prêt à sauver Les Guignols de l'info sur D8 : "Il faut retravailler Les Guignols pas les arrêter" La direction de Canal+ a annoncé, le 1er juin, la fin des "Guignols de l'info". "Everybody knows that you are a young political genius...", There Are Two Kinds of People in the World, lost the 2002 French presidential election, "30 more seconds and we locate Bin Laden! — Jacques Chirac, whenever trying to use a computer), "Putain, 2 ans !" The "sheep" part disappeared after his election as president. Participez, commentez et partager avec Franceinfo en temps réel ! — Steve Jobs, each time he introduces new, "BONSOIR IBIZAAAAAAAA !" First during the presidential election. les guignols de lâinfo sont les pires raclure en ce qui concerne lâinternational. Others include Jean-Marie Messier, Bernard Tapie, Silvio Berlusconi and Philippe Varin (then-CEO of Peugeot). "Alain Juppé, the candidate of old people (shows Jacques Chirac), inept people (shows François Bayrou), and old inept people (shows Valéry Giscard d'Estaing).". Swimming trainer Philippe Lucas, when it comes to sports. Just with snarks, knives in her back and various schemes to get rid of her. Marion Maréchal-Le Pen, granddaughter of Jean-Marie and niece of Marine. Perso j’suis d’acc avec LIVE les guignol c’etait nettement mieux quand c’était Bruno gaccio et l’équipe de groland qui écrivaient. Fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld, about awful fashion. A ne pas en douter le hit parade des prochains jours. ("GOOD EVENING IBIZAAAAAA !" Liliane "Mamie Zinzin" Bettencourt, owner of L'Oréal company and France's richest woman. But PPD doesn't seem to understand ecology. "; "Idiot!" L'émission satirique, diffusée depuis 1988, parodie un journal télévisé. Alain de Greef, former programmation director of Canal+ who was always shown on. Dans les grandes lignes, c’est exactement sa. Lakshmi Mittal, who backed out of a deal to help restart the metallurgy industry in France. Raymond Barre, though he was portrayed more as a. François Hollande before his candidacy for the presidential elections, and even after being elected, specially when it became visible that he regained weight. The show enjoyed tremendous popularity through the years that continued for more than two decades, and had been credited with introducing younger generations to politics and even of influencing the French public's views on certain politicians. ("Ludicrousish" — Jacques Chirac, former president), "LE MONSIEUR TE DEMANDE..." ("THE GENTLEMAN IS ASKING YOU..." — Jacques Chirac, whenever addressing Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, despite the latter's protests that he isn't deaf), "Alors, je clique sur le mulot..." *coin* "Comment ça, 'coin'?" "You're watching the ancestor of the Internet. And PPD himself, especially with each little phrase concluding every news or interviews, which are often quite sarcastic. The specialty of Patrick & Isabelle Balkany, who are themselves a. Super Menteur (Super Liar), Jacques Chirac's superhero alterego. » Les Guignols de lâinfo, lancés en 1988, se sont arrêtés en 2018. (PPD's former opening phrase), "You always believe everything said on television. The name of the show came from Guignol, a famous French satirical puppet of the early 19th century. Et parmi les nouvelles célébrités parodiées aux Guignols de l'info, une certaine Céline Dion ! — Bernard Tapie), "Imbécile ! @Live on reconnaît les partisans de l’UMP. Continuera pas? Michel even meekly apologizes when he says one (and in many cases, even before he tells the joke). He once wanted to buy an orange juice from a distributor. Coffret Guignols de l'info - Best of 2012/2014 - Nous, président de la République + La gnééé des Guignols. Vive la farine ! He combines. 1:14. apologizing for the clothes, but he just got out of the shower. Les célèbres marionnettes de latex vont bientôt faire leur retour sur Canal+. ", "What a dickhead!" In a skit parodying. A part pour les gauchos y’a vraiment rien de drole, les paroles sont affigentes. His answer? Aimé Jacquet, former head coach of the French national soccer team (, Laurent Blanc, another coach of the French team, when he speaks about the team's abysmal chances in the. As a one-shot gag, Éric Woerth was considered Super Menteur's worthy successor. Il y a plein de choses mais on y a pas accès. Je me suis marrer avec ce clip parodié, en cette période morose, je dois le dire que ce message reflète la réalité. Mostly from PPD, or one of the political deadpan snarkers mentioned above. Quand le Guignols de l’Info reprennent la chanson « Désolé » (voir le clip) de Sexion d’assaut, avec une petite surprise à la fin ^^, désolé ou pas vivement qu’il aille voir ailleurs si j’y suis, Live a commenté le 4 février 2012 à 18 h 26 min // #2, ENOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRMMMMMMMMEEEEEEEEEEEEEE :D. toi tu va regretter d’avoir dit sa ! Par Jean-Christophe Catalon Les Guignols de l'Info : La marionnette de Cyril Hanouna présente TPMP. Also known as palilalia... palilalia. Since I put handkerchiefs to scare them. Le jeu fonctionne mais aucune vidéo ne se lance dans le jeu. Pascal Bataille and Laurent Fontaine, hosts of the controversial reality talk show. tremendous popularity through the years that continued for more than two decades. Les Guignols de l'info was a popular French News Parody and Satire puppet show broadcast on Canal+. So he takes a drug against his addiction to the drug against his addiction to paper clips. Always averted in the series proper; no real people or animals appears alongside the puppets. Eva Joly about her ecological party's chances at the elections, though she's not rude, rather depressing and fatalist. They did. Likewise, Lakshmi Mittal is portrayed as a Sylvestre (with brown skin and a turban), exactly like the World Company executives. Ses marionnettes représenta Politician/venture capitalist Bernard Tapie to any politician he doesn't deem manly enough. He is probably the politest man in the show, and his ideas on immigration were portrayed as being very similar to those of the National Front, if not purely racist. The puppet of Tim Cook is the same as Steve Jobs. Sous la forme d'un journal télévisé de 8 minutes environ, l'émission met en scène des marionnettes de latex, généralement des caricatures de personnalités médiatiques du spectacle, de la politique et du sport, pour parler de manière satirique de l'actualité. Alas, audience ratings were appalling and the show was definitively put to rest in 2018, three months after its 30th anniversary. Michel Denisot. Bravo!!! Coffret Guignols de l'info - Best of 2012/2014 - Nous, président de la République + La gnééé des Guignols. his first decision was to move the show to a less favorable timeslot and fire most of its writers. Vivendi Entertainment is now working with Fox on an American version. She's a specialist in, Pierre Gattaz, who came after Parisot. n_a. PP⦠Nicolas Sarkozy tried everything to make Jacques Chirac fall before 2002. Bernadette Chirac sounds affable, and she's portrayed like a wicked crone in some skits. Très bon sketch des guignols de l'info ce vendredi dans le grand journal de canal plus. Lâémission diffusée sur Canal+ existe depuis 1988 et fait lâobjet dâun best of hebdomadaire (diffusé le dimanche vers 13 h 45 sous le titre La Semaine des Guignols ) depuis 1992. Nicolas Sarkozy was drooling with political ambition in the '90s, with honey-words to boot. Denis Chalandier and Michel Lecomte, a servile rookie reporter and his, In another context, Serge July and Philippe Alexandre, two political commentators indulging in frequent, François Hollande and Ségolène Royal. Nicolas Sarkozy had to go through Valéry Giscard d'Estaing and Jacques Chirac's hazing in the Constitutional Council (where he now sits as former presidents usually do). Bernard Tapie, a businessman who was minister in the Bérégovoy government for three months. Jean-François Copé, when Sarkozy was president. Nadine Morano, nicknamed "the UMP's fishmonger".