By continuing to browse our site, you agree to our Cookie Policy. - Superlative linkset. Find all the Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Game information & More at DBZ Space! - Additional burst boost plus Type Advantage lets Gogeta sweep through foes early, while high all-Type effectiveness chance lets Gogeta continue to dominate after burst boost dissipates. His long list of categories and powerful passives makes him one of the more versatile choices in the list. Don’t worry, this team is way better than my jokes so don’t lose hope. Reasoning. Evil Gods. Category Bonus; Building your team with characters in the same Category triggers Special Effects in certain stages or battles. Z Tier - The absolute best of the best, these are the main units that you wanna bring to your team, perfect synergy and top tier damage output. This tier list ranks all Super UR cards in Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle. Each team's section is divided into two tiers. This Gogeta… Tier List: Dragon Ball Seekers. Card. (Super & Extreme Rainbow list max 15 units) A Tier (max 20 units) is the tier right below. New units added to the tier list: TEQ Cell (Perfect Form) - Simply a great new addition to the team as he provides +2Ki and a 30% ATK & DEF buff to all Extreme class allies. DBZ Dokkan Battle OST. Tier List: Extreme INT. This Card can be useful on category Teams as a Damage dealer and Healer since he can consistently Heal 10% HP from his Super ATK. Everything Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle! Video Title: EVERY CATEGORY LEADER IN DOKKAN RANKED! Reasoning. Hey. The other 5th anniversary unit, he is also an impressive unit that earned his spot at the top just barely. Caulifla & Kale make for a very consistent and reliable pair. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. S4. This is a collection of all the Tier List. Dans cette vidéo, je présente ma Tier List des Leaders Catégorie sur Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle. There are multiple team types in the game and therefore multiple tier lists. Dokkan LR Tier List. Tier List: Earthlings. The first tier shows the units the comprise the hardest hitting team for that category or type. Card. Some of you more discerning readers might notice a little something in particular … Dokkan Battle LR Gacha Tier List (as of January 2021) Xenoverse 2 Character Tier List. Additionally, units are not just ranked by their damage output. Tier List: Dragon Ball Heroes. Is it surprising? Mono teams such as AGL have fallen out of use in the meta. This subreddit is for both the Japanese and Global version. I know on Japan Potara and Realm of Gods Category are probably top 2 due to their units and versatility. This subreddit is for both the Japanese and Global version. This Team can take on Super Batlle Road, Legendary Goku … Tier List: Exploding Rage. Features like tanking and support for other cards are considered as well. Required templates: Tier List, Changelog and Tier List Nav. This Powerful Team is led by LR Vow to Grow - Super Saiyan Caulifla & Super Saiyan Kale. S1. Information, guides, tips, news, fan art, questions and everything else Dokkan Battle related. Although he is not part of the Movie Bosses category … S1. For information visit here. Tier List: Giant Ape Power. - Loses Shocking Speed and damage reduction upon fusing. HP 18175. update 30/12/2017. A Vegito focused team will … ". - " Giant Ape Power "/" Crossover " ATK & DEF boost and Ki support allow the entire team to shine. The activated Special Effects differ between Categories. ATK 12032 . Global Tier List Update 5/16/2017. This is the list of Best UR Villains in Dokkan Battle. DBFZ. FULL CATEGORY LEADER TIER LIST! The teams currently with a tier list are Super/Extreme of 'Color' types, Super/Extreme in general, and Category teams. The symbol underneath a unit's portrait means that the unit is one of the possible leaders for that team, having a leader skill that provides ki and boosts two or three stats for that type/Category. Category Event Specific *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. ... Dokkan Battle! The symbol means that the unit is being evaluated based on its Extreme Z-Awakening and not its original form. Excellent tank. N'hésite pas à liker, à partager et à t'abonner. - Extreme Class Category Ally support for +2 ki and +30% ATK+DEF - Linkset has zero synergy with any Saiyans on the category - Until either a new leader for the category comes out who better supports existing Extreme Class units or some stronger Buu units release, it is tough to justify using him most of the time: B15: Universe's Bravest Hercule *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Featured Update We've updated our Super LR Tier List! Awakened UR Vow to Grow - Super Saiyan Caulifla & Super Saiyan Kale Super AGL. Anyone know a link of some sort that have the Category Tier lists from Top > Middle > Low End? All-Out War of Universe 7 Android 17 (Team Universe 7), The Remaining Final Possibility Golden Frieza (Angel) & Android 17. Waifus Of Dragon Ball. S+ Tier - If you're lacking any of the units in the Z tier, these are your best option, major difference is that they may have a more of a weak spot, but overall, these units are still excellent. - Absolute leviathan with a colossal ATK & DEF boost. Each Tier List an be edited seperately. Dokkan Battle Newsn [Limitless Growth] SS2 Caulifla: Rating and Tips! For Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle on the iOS (iPhone/iPad), a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Personal Tier List". This includes practically all of the leader units for that type and/or Category. When adding a unit that is in multiple lists (as is true for many Category cards), be sure to change the description of the character to one that reflects its role in that specific list. Information, guides, tips, news, fan art, questions and everything else Dokkan Battle related. Tier List: Extreme AGL. ... Category Rating [The Supreme Fusion] SS 4 Gogeta: S [The Strongest Shadow Dragon] Omega Shenron: S [Perfected Strength] Ultimate Gohan [Revived Emperor] Personajes Dragon Ball Z GT SUPER ShenronZ. S Tier (max 12 units) is for the units at the top of their class. All-Piercing Fusion Power Super Saiyan 4 Vegito (Xeno) - Tremendous offensive & defensive force. Archived. Dokkan Battle Tier List - 2020 Edition [Top 10] Dokkan Battle Best LR Share this Article: facebook; … Tier List: Extreme Class. Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle tier list, reroll tier list, useful characters. Performance as one of the main roles in Dokkan Battle (Tank, Damage or Support) while rewarding Cards that can perform well in … The "usefulness" of a unit may vary from player to player based on their collection of units. Each team's section is divided into two tiers. The symbol underneath a unit's portrait means that the unit is one of the possible substitute leaders for that team. Joined Forces, or Pure Saiyans Category ally. Tier List: Crossover. But after looking over said list I felt some changes could be made and some new units added. It can be used for cards that don't fit the type/Category of that list but have traits that either support the team or synergizes very well with either the main leader or other top tier units, sometimes better than cards that are of that type/Category. BrolySuperpower 2 years ago #1. Check it here. Vegito’s PotaraA rather niche but incredibly powerful category. - Excellent linkset. Tier List: Extreme STR. Dragon Ball Super Saiyan Forms. - Self-sustainable. For the best teams in the game? Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. These Extreme Cards are ranked by the following factors: Performance in high difficulty content. Z Tier - The absolute best of the best, these are the main units that you wanna bring to your team, perfect synergy and top tier damage output. Each Tier List an be edited seperately. They are also the premium leader of a powerful category with a lot of extra Ki. - Transformations are easy to fulfill. The Top Tier Joined Forces Team is the Dokkan Battle Team filled to the brim with LR Cards! User Info: KnowsNoLimits. - Super Attack counter ability is higher than most. From this point forwards types will be expanded depending on units. This time, I revamped the format a little bit. Dragonball fighterz characters. Meta. HP 10470. If one ally is part of Universe 6, Joined Forces, and Pure Saiyans, that means Kale & Caulifla are getting a 21% ATK Buff from one ally. It can also be used for Global-first units/EZA/categories that have yet to be released on the JP server or units whose passive is better on one server whose category hasn't been added to their server. Now, personally, as unexpected as it seems, such a restricted category, I would actually consider this to be a very close up to the #1 team in Dokkan, maybe even better than Potara, but I believe this needs much better analysis and only time will tell how good this team compares to the top teams of Dokkan Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle; Simple Category Tier List? The Tier List is a list which ranks units on their importance, effect, and relevance in the current meta of the game. … This page is for listing all Tier Lists written for Dokkan Battle overall, as well as Tier Lists for limited events. - One of the very few units that can foresee super attacks. Units will fall into 6 different tiers: Units are ranked from a general standpoint. For Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle on the iOS (iPhone/iPad), a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Category/---% tier list? Community content is available under. Peerless Super Power Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta. Units in this rank are nice additions to their respective teams, and will generally assist in the building of … Each member of a team contributes a percentage bonus chance according to their base rarity, which is unaffected by Z-Awakening the character to higher rarities. User Info: BrolySuperpower. There is a tier list at the top, with less numbers and with more focus on the team itself, while the bottom half is dedicated to the leader himself, Kid … This tier list ranks all Super UR cards in Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle ... and can also act as a sub Super Class leader. This Tier List ranks the top Super LR Cards in Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle. Don't just copy a description about its original role in the other list(s). Tier List: Extreme STR. Since Kid Goku is coming to the Global version in 5 days on the 6/6, I decided to make a tier list on his two categories because that's relevant and helpful to both versions of the game. This includes practically ... A Tier (max 20 units) is the tier right below. So here once again with the Android Category Visual Tier List! Tier List: Extreme PHY.