Important information for candidates Traineeship in EU Delegations should have the following main objectives: Based on the Decision ADMIN(2017)28 of 22.12.2017 on the Rules related to Traineeships in the Delegations of the European Union and the Decision ADMIN(2020) 50 of 3 December 2020, traineeships are offered under four different pillars: Depending on a specific pillar, traineeships in EU Delegations are open to: In order for the trainee to fully benefit from the traineeship and to be able to follow meetings and perform adequately, candidates must have the capacity to speak in the working language of the EU Delegation. In-service training enables trainees to acquire practical experience by means of their work and put into practice the knowledge they have acquired during their academic studies or professional careers in the areas of maritime safety, communication or administration. Their internships give a chance to sample work at Europol and be part of a multicultural team. Trainees also work in other specific areas of expertise such as human resources, communications or information technology. GSC restaurant reduction card. Who can apply: Nationals of a Member State of the EU or third states having signed the Annex on the provisions on the association of third states with SatCen's activities, Duration: 2-6 months (may be extended up to 12 months), More information: The EU has a long tradition of offering traineeship opportunities in EU Delegations around the world. Elizabeth was an intern in the Political, Security & Development Section at the EU Delegation … Traineeships are essentially established for the benefit of students and young graduates. Work experience and postgraduate education is a plus, but not an eligibility criterion. The European Court of Auditors organises three traineeship sessions per year in areas of interest to its work. Depending on place of recruitment. When publishing a call for expression of interest, Delegations may add specific requirements relevant to the offered position. Paid: Yes. Traineeships in Delegations The Delegation of the European Union in Rome, Italy offers paid traineeships to young graduates with a university diploma and less than one year of professional experience. Angola - Antigua and Barbuda - Belize - Cape Verde - Comoros - Bahamas - Barbados - Benin - Botswana - Burkina Faso -Burundi - Cameroon - Central African Republic - Chad - Democratic Republic of Congo – Republic of Congo - Cook Islands - Cote d'Ivoire - Djibouti - Dominica - Dominican Republic - Eritrea - Ethiopia - Fiji - Gabon - Gambia - Ghana - Grenada - Republic of Guinea - Guinea-Bissau - Guyana - Haiti - Jamaica - Kenya - Kiribati - Lesotho - Liberia - Madagascar - Malawi - Mali - Marshall Islands - Mauritania - Mauritius - Micronesia - Mozambique - Namibia - Nauru - Niger - Nigeria - Niue -Palau - Papua New Guinea - Rwanda - St. Kitts and Nevis - St. Lucia - St. Vincent and the Grenadines - Solomon Islands - Samoa - Sao Tome and Principe - Senegal - Seychelles - Sierra Leone - Somalia - Suriname -Swaziland - Tanzania - Timor Leste - Togo - Tonga - Trinidad and Tobago - Tuvalu - Uganda - Vanuatu - Zambia – Zimbabwe, More information: This traineeship programme is intended to provide young professionals with practical experience of the European Union in general and the EUIPO in particular as well as to enable them to put into practice knowledge acquired during their studies and first professional experiences, and in particular in their specific areas of competence. It is an educational project that does not foresee any contractual or employment relationship with the Delegation. There are two types of traineeship: 1. training related to the preparation of a thesis for a university degree; 2. training after university education (or its equivalent) within 5 years after the last university degree. Traineeships are available in a wide range of fields and offer a great insight into the work of the EU. Who can apply: These traineeships are reserved for graduates and third, fourth or fifth year university students of EU nationality with a recognized disability. European Union (EU) Delegation Paid Traineeship 2020-2021 for Young Graduates The European Union (EU) has a long tradition of offering traineeship opportunities in EU Delegations around the world.. Traineeships are essentially established for the benefit of students and young graduates. More information: Economic Analysis and Statistics (EAS) Department; Prudential Regulation and Supervisory Policy (PRSP) Department and the Policy Coordination Unit (PAC); Banking Markets, Innovation and Consumers (BMIC) Department; University graduates, who are nationals of the Member States of the European Union. Paid: Yes. The European Union (EU) has a long tradition of offering paid traineeship opportunities in EU Delegations around the world. worked for more than two consecutive months within an EU institution or body. More information: It is an educational project that does not foresee any contractual or employment relationship with the Delegation. Trainees will also be invited to participate in a study programme that includes visits and conferences at other EU institutions in Brussels, Luxembourg and Strasbourg. Traineeships allow trainees to acquire practical experience of the EDPS’ day-to-day activities as well as in data protection. Europol offers valuable learning opportunities for graduates and professionals. Depending on the needs of the service, the daily work of a trainee would generally be equivalent to that of junior administrator officials at the beginning of their career e.g. MONROVIA (February 4, 2021) – The United Nations in Liberia, ECOWAS, the EU Delegation and the Embassies of the EU Member States (France, Germany, Ireland, Spain, and Sweden), the Embassy of Canada, the Embassy of Norway, the Embassy of Switzerland, and the Embassy of the United Kingdom of Great, Speech by H.E. Algeria, Egypt, Palestine*, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco and Tunisia.,,,,,,,,,, Traineeships are essentially established for the benefit of students and young graduates. The ECB's traineeship programme offers you the opportunity to put into practice the knowledge you acquired during your studies and get a better understanding of what working for Europe entails. Paid: Yes. These opportunities aim to give an understanding of the Agency and its role within the activities of the European Union. Intern- (Monitoring Evaluation Accountability and Learning) Full Time Full Time. Every year Europol offers a number of internships that provide individuals with the opportunity to learn more about the agency's activities and put their learning and skills into practice by contributing to Europol's mission. The Translation Centre offers traineeships, especially to university students from the Member States of the European Union and to nationals from candidate countries who wish to acquire an understanding of the Centre’s areas of activity and gain personal experience in a multicultural and multilingual environment, with the opportunity to make contacts. have completed at least a first cycle qualification (bachelor’s degree), © 2021 European Personnel Selection Office, (EESC) European Economic and Social Committee, (FRONTEX) European Border and Coast Guard Agency, (ECDC) European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, (CEDEFOP) European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, (EUROFOUND) European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, (EIGE) European Institute for Gender Equality, (F4E) European Joint Undertaking for ITER and the Development of Fusion Energy, (EMCDDA) European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, (ENISA) European Union Agency for Cybersecurity, (FRA) European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, (Europol) European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation, (EUIPO) European Union Intellectual Property Office, (EUROJUST) The European Union's Judicial Cooperation Unit, (CDT) Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union, (EU-OSHA) European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, (EIOPA) European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority, (ACER) Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators, (GSA) European Global Navigation Satellite Systems Agency, (EU-LISA) European Agency for the operational management of large-scale IT systems in the area of freedom, security and justice,,,,,, Subsequent career opportunities may vary between these different entities. Traineeships are available in a wide range of fields and offer a great insight into the work of the EU. Who can apply: Nationals of the Member States of the European Union and of candidate countries, who have completed the first cycle of a higher education course (university education) and obtained a full degree or its equivalent. Candidates must have the capacity to speak in the working language of the EU Delegation, knowledge of the official language of the host country would be an asset. It is an educational project that does not foresee any contractual or employment relationship with the Delegation. More information: Traineeship in EU Delegations should have the following main objectives: … The aims of the traineeship at EU-OSHA are to provide trainees an understanding of the objectives and activities of the Agency, acquire practical experience and knowledge of the day-to-day work of EU-OSHA and to provide the opportunity to work in a diverse, multi-cultural, and multi-linguistic environment, contributing to the development of mutual understanding, trust and tolerance. In addition, it aims to provide an understanding of the objectives and goals of the EU integration processes and policies; Who can apply: Nationals of the Member States of the European Union and of candidate countries, who have completed the first cycle of a higher education course (university education) and obtained a full degree or its equivalent. Who can apply: University graduates who are either nationals of an EU member state or an EFTA country or an IPA qualifying country. €919.4 per month for trainees from abroad, as well as trainees residing in Greece who need to move to Thessaloniki for the duration of the traineeship and €689.5 per month for trainees already residing in Thessaloniki. A traineeship of up to 6 months within the Human Rights Team (of the Political Section) of the EU Delegation to Egypt, starting in August 2019. Applicants must not have already benefited or benefit from any kind of traineeship within a European Union institution or body or Have had or have any kind of employment within a European Union institution or body. Traineeships are essentially established for the benefit of students and young graduates. Most of the EU institutions organise traineeships for young university graduates, each lasting usually between 3 and 5 months. It is an educational project that does not foresee any contractual or employment relationship with the Delegation. Starting Dates: November / February (it may vary, please read the Call). Candidates must currently be enrolled in a university degree programme or have obtained a university degree. Funded traineeship for young graduates at the EU Delegation to Ukraine – Economic Energy Section 1051 views Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, this call dated 09 March 2020 was suspended on 14 March 2020. Who can apply: Nationals of the EU Member States and the Candidate Countries (currently: Turkey, Serbia and Montenegro), with less than one year of professional experience. European Union 2020 paid Traineeship in EU Delegations worldwide for young graduates is actually organized to meet some objectives. … More information: They offer the opportunity to learn about the EUIPO's e-registration services, observe management techniques and strategies and understand EUIPO's databases and technical knowledge. Who can apply: These traineeships are reserved for third, fourth or fifth year university students of EU nationality who have to do a compulsory training period as part of their course. 25% of the basic monthly salary of a temporary member of staff in grade AD5, step 1. Trainees will also be invited to participate in a study programme that includes visits and conferences at other EU institutions in Brussels, Luxembourg and Strasbourg. Throughout the year, Eurojust offers a number of internships to provide individuals with the opportunity to learn more about the activities of our organisation, and put their learning and skills into practice by contributing to Eurojust’s mission. Please note that maybe not all available opportunities are displayed on this site. EFSA offers paid traineeships to talented, highly qualified young professionals at the start of their careers, in a field of their choice. Are you a former EU Delegation intern? Who can apply: Nationals of Member State of the European Union, who have a level of education corresponding to completed or ongoing university studies or vocational training relevant for the tasks of Europol and very good knowledge of at least two European Union languages (of which one should be English). Kabul No. This traineeship programme is intended for university graduates who, in the course of their studies or in some other manner, have already gained some initial experience in the areas of work of the Office. 1.220,78 € per month, reimbursement of travel allowance and GSC restaurant reduction card. Each year, around 1,900 young people are offered the chance to increase their professional skills, develop their personal qualities, and enhance their EU knowledge through the EU trainee programmes. Who can apply: Nationals of an EU or EEA member state who are recent university or research degree graduates or who are university students on an Erasmus+ or similar programme. Interpreting traineeships are primarily aimed at newly qualified conference interpreters whose language combination is of interest to the Interpretation Directorate. Frontex welcomes applications from highly motivated candidates from a range of educational and professional backgrounds to contribute to the work of the agency in line with their expertise and interests. The traineeships are intended to provide recent graduates with practical experience of the work of the European Ombudsman and to enable them to build on the knowledge and skills acquired during their studies. Candidates should have a thorough knowledge of two of the official languages of the European Union. In practice, that can include for instance organising working groups and meetings, compiling information and documentation, preparing reports and answering queries, as well as participating in unit meetings and other events. Some units are more politically oriented, others are more administrative. This scheme gives young university graduates a unique first-hand experience of the European Union in general and the Office in particular. Who can apply: Nationals of one of the EU Member States or Switzerland who have a University degree of at least 3 years of study (minimum a bachelor’s degree) and very good knowledge of English. The trainees acquire practical experience and knowledge of the day-to-day work of the Committee's departments and have the chance to work in a multicultural and multilingual environment. The goal of the Schuman traineeships is to contribute to EU citizens’ European education and vocational training and to provide an insight into the work of the European Parliament. The EBA is organising a call for expression of interest for various technical profile traineeship positions in the: The aim of the traineeship programme is to provide recent graduates with a unique and first-hand experience of contributing to the day-to-day work of the EBA and understanding of the objectives and goals of financial regulation. More information: Starting Dates: 1st September or 1st March. Duration: 6 months (may be extended for up to a further 6 months). Who can apply: Nationals of the Member States of the European Union and candidate countries who have completed or are currently undertaking a level of education that corresponds to university studies or vocational training relevant to the tasks of the internship at Eurojust or, alternatively, have relevant professional experience that would benefit the internship. More information: Who can apply: University graduates who are nationals of the Member States of the European Union. More information: More information: Applicants must have a level of education which corresponds to completed university studies attested by a diploma (awarded in EU Member States or that are subject to the equivalence certificates issued by Member States’ Authorities), when the normal period of university education is three years or more. IPA; #EUzaTEBE; EU and Serbia at Work Health/accident insurance. The European Commission traineeship programme is open to university graduates, from all over the world.,,,,,,,,, Who can apply: University graduates, with B2 level in English, who are nationals from all EU Member States as well as from third countries. Traineeships are essentially established for the benefit of students and young graduates. Cedefop's traineeship aims to provide university graduates and PhD students with a unique and first-hand experience of the workings of Cedefop, in particular, and of the EU institutions in general. Who can apply: EU nationals who either hold a recognised university-level diploma or who have completed at least four semesters of university study in an area of interest to the Court (Audit, Budget, Accounting, Administration, Human Resources, Translation, Communication, International Relations, Legal). The EIB offers a limited number of internships to university students and graduates who wish to acquire an understanding of the Bank’s work or gain experience in the field of their studies. Traineeships are essentially established for the benefit of students and young graduates. The aim of these traineeships is to provide students with insights about the daily work of the European Union Delegation to Egypt, in particular, and of the European Union, in general. One of the aims of the traineeship at the FRA are to allow trainees to contribute to the Agency’s mission in helping to make fundamental rights a reality for everyone in the EU. Starting Dates: 1 February/ 1 March, 1 September/1 October, More information: 1.220,78 € per month, reimbursement of travel allowance and GSC restaurant reduction card. The aim is to enable newly qualified interpreters to be supervised as they perfect their interpreting skills, particularly in legal interpreting, which involves the preparation of case-files, terminological research and practical exercises in a ‘silent booth'. For unfunded compulsory traineeships, applicants shall be 3rd ,4th or 5th year students of  a University or another higher-education establishment. The Traineeship Programme is mainly targeted to young university graduates, without excluding those who, in the framework of lifelong learning, have recently obtained a university degree and are at the beginning of a new professional career. The content of the job largely depends on the service you are assigned to. 1 September (application period around February/March - check at that moment for final dates). Milestones; Trade; Key Documents; Administrative Corner. First and foremost, the Delegation of the EU is the official external mission of the European Union that represents the organization in the world. Starting Dates: 01 February, 01 May and 01 September, every year. Who can apply: University graduates who are citizens of EU Member States, Norway and Turkey, More information: Interested to know more about how it is to be an intern at the EU Delegation to the UN in Geneva? Paid: No. A 6-month internship in the Politics, Press and Information section at the EU Delegation in Senegal starting in November 2020, subject to compliance with local legislation. Traineeships are available in a wide range of fields and offer a great insight into the work of the EU. Serbia and the EU. Remuneration is provided by the sending institution. Who can apply: University graduates from an EU member country or from a country which is an official candidate for accession, with thorough knowledge of one of the official languages of the EU and a satisfactory knowledge of another EU-working language (French or English), Starting Dates: 16 February and 16 September, More information: Back in July, having successfully participated in the last stage of the internship competition and an interview, I was invited to join a dynamic team at the EU Delegation in Kyiv. The EU has a long tradition of offering traineeship opportunities in EU Delegations around the world. The JRC offers a stimulating, multicultural and multi-disciplinary research environment for trainees. Who can apply? Candidates must have completed the first cycle of a higher education course (university education) and obtained a full degree.