Thanks:Garett A few years ago, I was in my local fish store, when I saw an Endler Livebearer (Poecilia wingei) for the first time.This species is related to the common Guppy (Poecilia reticulata), however it is rarely seen in pet stores.After a brief inquiry with the store owner, I learned that there was a local breeder of N-class Endlers that … You might get one in a few years or it might be decades. This is because they belong to the same genus or family of fish. Hi, Ive read other discussion on how to breed them with a male guppy and female molly. They have a beautiful hybrid combination of the black and white body. In the fish world this mainly occurs among the live-bearing species. Whether the male is a mollie or guppy may also play a role in crossing. They’re also a good match when it comes to temperament. HI all, I have a 5-gallon tank I've had for a few months now, fully planted tank with neo shrimp, snails, 4 beautiful male fancy guppies, and 2 healthy growing guppy fry (my female guppies managed to birth two before I returned them to the store in exchange for males only, and the males haven't bothered … breeding mollies I don't know if molly fish and guppy fish will breed but I do know balloon molly and sailfin molly will. Guppies make an excellent companion for molly fish. The Black Molly prefers a tank of at least 30 gallons with plenty of strong plants such a Java Fern, Sagittaria, … The frys are longer than the balloon frys but I don't know what they will look like when they get bigger because no one has a picture of … You can find images of a guppy/molly cross in the old Innes book, John Dawes' great livebearer book from the 1990s and the big Aqualog picture book on livebearers. I have 10 frys from a white sailfin and a spotted balloon. but would it actually work ??? Guppy fish stay at around 2 inches and enjoy a planted aquarium with plenty of … Topic: Can a Molly and a guppy breed together?Or cross breed? *Awarded Answer Posted by Daniele N: It’s fun breeding fish and possibly selling them to other fishkeepers … Their colour become black because of Melanistic, appearance of dark pigments or called albino. They’re both livebearer fish, they both enjoy water with similar parameters, and they’re both omnivorous species. The maximum size to which they can grow is 5 inches. #12: Harlequin Sailfin Molly One of my male guppies had a sexual encounter with my female balloon molly. The reason for this appears to be that they lack the reserve of their fellow egg-layers. Plan on … i want to know how many people succeed with guppy molly hybrids and they grow til full grown because i have one female molly with two male guppies will the female molly die if she gives birth to the hybrids Please answer my questions and then comment all that you know about this hybrids and what they may look like with a sunset balloon molly or any balloon molly … There are many hybrid varieties of several different Poecilia species (including P. latipinna, P. mexicana, P. sphenops, and P. velifera) that are collectively known as “mollies”. And could a guppy breed with a platy because in my tank i have 1 male guppy and a female swirdtail play????? They need a good filtration system. Anyone have any luck with guppy molly hybrids? Observation of the guppy, for instance, will soon convince the onlooker that it is strongly endowed with the sex instinct. A hybrid is the result of two various species mating. The Black Molly is a short finned hybrid variation of the Sailfin Molly (Poecilia Latipinna). Thus a guppy can crossbreed with a molly and a swordtail can crossbreed with a platy. To further illustrate, the following fish can crossbreed with guppies: The Dalmatian Molly also knew by the name of Marbled Molly belongs to the family of Poecilia latipinna.