On y trouve une femme se tenant assise face à nous, une balance à la main gauche et un glaive à la main droite: elle s’apprête ainsi à rendre son verdict.. La Justice: signification et interprétation de l’arcane 8. sur le plan affectif: Cette lame est un avertissement sur le plan affectif. residence. You are being called to account for your actions and will be judged accordingly. The reversed Justice card can suggest that internally, you know you’ve done something that isn’t morally right. Her skin-colored hair and her sloppy clothes balance and perfection are not synonymous with symmetry. There may be legal complications or something that impedes justice being served. Mais au delà de ce symbole fort d’équité, la Justice représente aussi le bilan de nos actions et vies antérieures. Le Consultant vit dans le présent les conséquences que ses décisions et actions passées ont engendrées, ni plus ni moins. Elle est assise sur un siège jaune et solide, pour nous faire comprendre que la Justice cosmique, issue du Divin est immuable, car elle est basée sur l’intelligence. Sitting divinity. Elle porte elle aussi une balance dans la main gauche (symbole d'équilibre et de … firmly on the throne, Justice, with dynamic traits (like a sword) and receptive On vous demande de rendre compte de vos actions et d'être jugé en conséquence. Following the accumulation of number 2, the setting of number 4, and the pleasurable discovery of number 6, number 8 reaches the level that has nothing to add or subtract. A Fresh, Modern, Practical Guide for Everyone, Love this deck?Buy theEveryday Tarot Deck, UPRIGHT: Justice, fairness, truth, cause and effect, law, REVERSED: Unfairness, lack of accountability, dishonesty. Elle porte le nombre huit qui s’inscrit dans un double carré et qui symbolise l’équilibre des deux mondes : le monde de la matière, et celui de l’énergie. explanation. present. Childbirth is to make La justice est une carte arcane majeure dans le jeu de tarot Rider-Waite-Smith et d'autres jeux basés sur le tarot latin ou le tarot de Marseille. “When There will always come a time where you will be judged. Elle agit de manière procédurale en pesant les … All Rights Reserved. In like the call of awareness.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'tarotx_net-banner-1','ezslot_6',112,'0','0'])); This Choose consciously by connecting with your inner guidance system (your intuition) and asking for the answer that is most in alignment with the highest good of all. Description La Justice Dans le tarot de Marseille, la Justice représente la dualité qui existe entre l'organisation et la sanction. Justice double square physically and mentally), and her clear ideas when faced reality This is If you seek justice, then the Justice card is a positive sign that it will indeed be served. This is the top of even numbers. they deserve. Interpretation of Justice – La Justice Tarot, IV. Everything you took from me from the beginning did not exist in me. The reversed Justice card can indicate your inner critic is in full effect. Elle est associée à la lettre " 'H èth (ח)" de l'Alphabet Hébreu. With the hand holding the scale, Justice – La Justice Tarot is to every dense debris”.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'tarotx_net-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_9',116,'0','0'])); “I La situation qui se présente à vous aura des conséquences positives si tous les éléments qui la composent reposent sur des bases justes ou véridiques. getting rid of what you do not want. You may need to source more information to make a balanced decision or shine the light on your own personal judgements. acting on it with the right elbow and left knee. from the depths, is humanistic. - Houlà, vous volez haut, Maître. You are being dishonest with yourself and others – and your unwillingness to look beyond your own fears and ego blinds you to the broader lesson. When Justice – La Justice Tarot speaks up, V. Traditional interpretations of Justice – La Justice Tarot. Je la traite d'ailleurs au niveau de la déontologie du tarologue. When the Justice card lands in the past position, the foundation of your current situation can be traced to a decision you made a while ago. like the Sun and the angel in the Judgment card looking at the reader. from the useless. judge ourselves without being fake: are we fair to face ourselves? The Chariot – Le Chariot Tarot – Tarot de Marseille, The Hermit – L’hermite Tarot – Tarot de Marseille, King of Pentacles – Roi de Deniers | Tarot de Marseille, Queen of Pentacles – Reine de Deniers | Tarot de Marseille, Knight of Pentacles – Cavalier de Deniers | Tarot de Marseille, Knave of Pentacles – Valet de Deniers | Tarot de Marseille. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'tarotx_net-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_8',115,'0','0']));“The she knows how to put herself in the situation of others. character, throwing away the maternal nature and destructive decisions. Of course, it can be seen as a negative sense of injustice, La carte représente une femme d’âge moyen, que l’on remarque immédiatement par son regard impassible et austère. Subscribe our newsletter to stay updated. Justice – La Justice Tarot, As you explore your truth, you will discover that things are not as clear-cut as you had thought. The decisions that you make now have long-term effects in all things, both for yourself and others. Be ready to stand by your decisions as you will be held to account for the choices you make. La Justice dans le tarot de Marseille représente une femme autoritaire et imposante. Be ready to take responsibility for your actions and stand accountable for the ensuing consequences. carrying out a sacred gesture with four fingers, representing centers that once a decision has been made, it is impossible to resist and places that make According to Tarot digital science, this is also the double of number 4, and therefore, some double squares: stable both in the material and mental wor… The lesson Justice wants to communicate through her to fulfill the task assigned by the Supreme Law. Read More, The Justice – La Justice Tarot – Tarot de Marseille, The Tarot cards, Oracle cards, and Lenormand cards, Introduction about 78 Tarot Cards Meanings, The Great Journey of 22 Major Arcana Cards, Story of Minor Arcana cards According to Tarot numerology, 16 MBTI Personality types in Tarot Court cards, The Comparison of Tarot Court Cards Based on the Crowley Thoth Tarot Standard, The combination of Tarot Court cards in a Tarot spread, Tarot Timing Method – 4 Easiest Ways to Apply, Career Tarot Reading in Minor and Major Arcana, Love Tarot Reading between Major and Minor Arcana, Thoth Tarot Introduction and Spread – Crowley Tarot, How to Make Your Own Oracle Deck Efficiently, 7 Things You Need to Know When Using Oracle Cards, 36 Lenormand Cards Meaning and Combination, I. Overview of Justice – La Justice Tarot, II. I allow every living to distinguish subjective and objective assessments. In order to achieve this, Balance La justice sort à l’endroit: A l’endroit dans un tirage du tarot de Marseille, la carte de la Justice offre une issue positive au consultant, surtout si les cartes avoisinantes sont elles-mêmes emprunte de positivité. Symbolisme de la justice Sur la carte se trouve une femme You need to ask yourself, “Do I stand by my decisions and accept the consequences of my actions?” If you cannot, then dig deeper, plunging into the shadows of what is right and wrong, until you find the place where you can stand in integrity and strength. If you have acted in alignment with your Higher Self and for the greater good of others, you have nothing to worry about. bounded by the infinite soul, which disintegrates like the rain to bring life Justice (La Justice) The Daughter of the Lords of Truth; The Ruler of the Balance Card Number: 11 Key Number: 22 Rulership: Libra Hebrew Letter: Lamed Translation: Ox, Goad (Noun) to Teach or Instruct (Verb) Numerical Value: 12. deserve – Clear thinking – The court – Legal behavior – Law – Perfect desire – opens up spaces for strong defensive reflexes: it may refer to an authoritarian However, if you haven’t, you will be called out and made to own up to your actions. her seat is higher than the other one and on the top, there is a small Son trône semble massif ; la couronne de fer symbolise la rigueur de la loi. Justice – La Justice Tarot, number 8, represents perfection. Khi Justice xuất hiện, nghĩa là quyết định công bằng nhất sẽ được đưa ra. If you are engaged in a legal matter, you may fear an unfair outcome, or dispute the final judgement, calling into question the legal process. Justice – La Justice Tarot, number 8, represents perfection. She holds a sword in her right hand, showing the … the density, there, in this infinite and eternal balance, is my place of Thank your inner critic for bringing this private judgement to your conscious awareness, and trust you can now clear it away. I appeared in a woman’s body, she became a real mother. the main subject of the reading feel threatened with punishment and guilt. If Découvrez la définition de la carte de tarot 'La Justice', savoir comment lire, sa signification et l'interpréter cette carte, ainsi que sa symbolique en tirage à l'endroit et à l'envers. Are we In the tarot, Justice represents the understanding that life is ultimately fair and just. Intelligence Lorsque la carte de La Justice du Tarot est tirée à l’endroit, le consultant peut se trouver face à des restrictions temporaires, suite à des actions ou des décisions à prendre. The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings. Every moment is fair and perfect. to stay away from perfectionism: requiring perfection without humanity because the perfect thing is fixed and cannot be better, so it was like a dead thing. Here, the Major card VIII is transmitting the message of the union.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'tarotx_net-box-4','ezslot_7',113,'0','0'])); The Ceci explique pourquoi dans le Rider-Waite et tous les Tarots qui se basent sur son système, La Force et La Justice sont interverties par rapport au Tarot de Marseille. Son apparition dans une diffusion de tarot peut avoir quelques interprétations différentes selon qu'elle est verticale ou inversée. connected her to the ground. Even though the vagaries of day-to-day life tend to make us doubt this fact, Justice reminds us that there is divine balance. The slightest deviation from Thanks to me that the Universe became a festival. ourselves what we deserve. her right elbow, there was an array of violet-blue and was the largest implying that her actions are guided by the view of the upper things, something The nobility mentioned here is the nobility Often including the image of a fulcrum or scale which helps to balance competing needs against the greater good, and a two-edged sword to symbolize the precision needed to make clear judgments, this card reminds us to be careful to attend to important det… The sword points upwards – expressing a firm and final decision – and the double-edged blade signifies that our actions always carry consequences. La justice du tarot est assise sur un trône et regarde droit devant elle, impassible. You may be evaluating your every move and coming down hard on yourself when you misstep. The figure of Justice sits in front of a loosely hung purple veil, signifying compassion, and between two pillars, similar to those framing the High Priestess and the Hierophant, which symbolise balance, law and structure. This is the top of even numbers. She invited us to replace it with divine tricks, by the idea of excellence that In a love Tarot reading, if you are single, Justice can indicate a relationship with a person in the legal industry (judge, lawyer, legal secretary etc.) A ruling will be passed down shortly. Your feelings around this card may differ depending on your situation. What you do not give, I She holds a sword in her right hand, showing the logical, well-ordered mindset necessary to dispense fair justice. nine triangles pointing upwards looked like bird feet on her cloak remind of Numéroté 8 dans l’ensemble du tarot, cet arcane représente, comme son nom l’indique, la justice, la vérité, la loi et la compréhension que la … © 2021 Biddy Tarot. This trick can be explained on Tarot card images courtesy of the Everyday Tarot, The Wild Unknown and Lumina Tarot. Similarly, Justice often refers physically, but I also erase all traces of you in the memory of the of the cathedral builders that remove symmetry because they consider it is Number 8, an Arabic number, is made up of two overlapping circles: perfection in Heaven and Earth. La Lame de la Justice du Tarot de Marseille est représentée par un personnage du sexe féminin. La Justice du Tarot de Marseille est la huitième lame. A little white shoe pops out from beneath her clothing as a reminder of the spiritual consequences of your actions. I give each thing Similarly, Justice reversed suggests that you are not willing to take full accountability for your actions and may try to ‘dodge the bullet’ and blame others for your mistakes. La question de savoir si le tarologue peut employer la carte du tarot Justice pour une question judiciaire ou en lien avec les tribunaux est une question de fond. La carte de la Justice indique que la décision la plus équitable sera prise. the way Justice invites us to come to the introspection and dives into the Dans le Rider-Waite, La Force est l’Arcane 8 pour être associée au Lion. Si vous êtes directement impliqué dans un procès, il sera probablement résolu, au moins dans une large mesure, en votre faveur. It is the Tarot card that corresponds to Libra, so a Libra may be coming into your life. Justice tarot card love meaning: If you are single and looking for love then the Justice tarot card shows up when you will have to stick it out a little longer. with Nature, and she is supporting it from divine tolerance. Dans un tirage de tarot, l’énergie de la Justice va rétablir les faits selon les principes de la vérité. makes her feel touch. La Justice à l'Endroit En termes simples, la carte de la Justice représente la justice, l'équité, la vérité et le droit. Once you acknowledge where you made a mistake, do whatever you can to make it right again. Notice the similarity between the Emperor and Justice. Assise sur un trône, elle exprime le respect, l'impartialité et la fermeté. According to Tarot digital science, this is also the double of number 4, and therefore, some double squares: stable both in the material and mental world.eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'tarotx_net-medrectangle-3','ezslot_2',104,'0','0'])); As Dans Le Tarot de Marseille, La Justice est la carte numéro 8. many levels. purple-green array in the entire Tarot deck. of divine wisdom and flawless action. Ici aussi, la Justice est assise sur un trône (symbole de d'autorité), un pilier de chaque côté d'elle (symbole de structure). Tantôt austère, tantôt inquiétante, la carte de la Justice est sans doute parmi les lames les moins appréciées du tarot de Marseille. TarotX.net is an intensive community of international Tarot. Symbole de valeur, l’arcane de la Justice dans le tirage du tarot de Marseille vous emmènera sur les routes de l’intégrité, mais elle vous demandera aussi une certaine for… But she is also the intersection of humanity and sword and scales is to give yourself exactly what you deserve while resolutely to state institutions (such as courts, police, administrative agencies) where Others may not see it yet, so you have a choice: you can hide it and hope no-one finds out, or you can own up to your mistakes and take focused action to resolve the situation. It also obstructs the reader in the process of understanding it and prevents him/her in Just as the sacred art I remove all subjective intentions from the We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. The Justice card often appears when you need to make an important choice with the potential for long-term repercussions. Every birth, La carte de la Justice annonce des succès dans les procès. being to be itself; each dust particle, each comet, each human being deserves evil, the Justice card is structured asymmetrically. I allow everything to be the only version of myself. the ecmin ratel, the royal symbol. On Be consciously aware of what you believe to be true and what you believe to be fair and ethical. The Justice card represents justice, fairness, truth and the law. Finally, The scales in her left (intuitive) hand, show intuition must balance that logic and are a symbol of her impartiality. core, which is the inner God”. When you sabotage, I remove you. In doing so, you will free yourself from any guilt or shame and empower yourself to make better decisions. we look at the motion of the scale, we can see that Justice – La Justice Tarot is Cette carte indique le besoin d’intégrité, d’équilibre et d’harmonie. this ordinance will cause me to declare supreme punishment: The wrongdoer will The light blue color emanating from her scale plates – Stable – Facing reality – Overflow – Feminine perfection – Collection, advance so that he/she does not make mistakes. allowed our actions to be vibrant and potentially perfect.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'tarotx_net-medrectangle-4','ezslot_5',105,'0','0'])); Women – Motherhood – Sovereignty – Balance – Judge – Completion – Persistent viewpoint – Bravery – Assessment – Perfection – Presence – Command – Empowerment – Prohibition. Perfectionism – Critical thinking – The mother who lives according to rules or a symbol of satisfaction, Justice – La Justice Tarot balances our lives with her scales. I, the common mother, have If you are making an important decision that will impact others, be aware if you are holding on to any prejudice or bias that could sway your decision unfairly. world”. Agissez d’une manière aussi équilibrée et aussi raisonnable que possible. Got questions? Cela inclut la façon dont vous pensez et vous gâtez aussi. Je n'en suis … yellowish sphere that the left column does not have; her necklace lifted higher Be aware of the impact your decisions will have on your well-being and the well-being of others. La Justice est une lame qui tranche et décide. La Justice est l'une des 3 Vertus ordinales du Tarot (il manque d'ailleur la Prudence dans le Tarot) Au niveau personnalité : Solide equilibré, bonne structure, raisonnement juste et excellent, ainsi qu’une intelligence lui permettant de s’interesser à different domaines. Your email address will not be published. Number 8, an Arabic number, is made up of two overlapping circles: perfection in Heaven and Earth. It may not be as clear-cut as you think, so prepare to challenge yourself and to explore new territories of your belief system. The satisfaction of the universe is my justice because it gives NOTE: The Tarot card meaning description is based on the Rider Waite cards. this sense, Justice can be seen as a witness to our inner God, who urges us to C’est le choix, la loi et l’ordre, également la logique qui caractérisent cette lame du tarot de Marseille. every galaxy, every sun, every planet, and every molecule the position that benevolent with ourselves and others? Planète / Constellation : Le Lion But “There, Elle semble hautaine. At its core, Justice is about the search for truth. room for endless awareness in what is here and now. it is easy to understand that the unequal nature of the scale shows instability will take yours. Similarly, her sword is also imbued La Justice … whether the molecular density is the source of ether or ether is the midwife of action. Dans sa main droite, elle tient l'épée de justice qui tranche les litiges, et fait le tri entre ce qui bon ou mauvais, entre le vrai et le faux. where the spirit is in the same place as the material, is where you do not know TarotX provides knowledge and documentation about Tarot, as well as online Tarot reading, daily Tarot. La Justice est l’Arcane 11 pour être associée à la Balance. features (like the scale), is the first character to look directly at us, just meant that she was measuring our spirits. Dans sa main gauche, elle tient la balance, l'instrument qui pèse les faits, ce qui es… La Justice est le huitième arcane majeur du tarot de Marseille. Once the decision is made, you must accept it and move on; there are no retrials or second chances with the upright Justice card. (XVIII), will often represent the mother or pregnant woman. Be it marriage, divorce, having children or leaving home for college, think as to what it might Privacy and Terms. The Justice Tarot card has to do with moral sensitivity and that which gives rise to empathy, compassion, and a sense of fairness. Be prepared to dip into the murky waters and explore what truth means to you. Harmony – Current moment. Comme mentionné plus haut, le 8 à de nombreuses significations, tels que l'argent, le matériel, la force ou encore le pouvoir. am perfect without adding or subtracting: all I have been given, I have had Justice often shows up when you will rediscover someone from your past. Sinon, un bon … a positive side, her qualities of balance, her spirituality (she conquered some enough. Huitième lame du tarot de Marseille, la Justice symbolise l’équilibre, la vérité, la droiture, la maîtrise aussi bien des choses que de soi. artificial perfection, and deception, which will be defended by some kind of Since the time of Solomon, this image has represented a standard for the humane and fair-minded treatment of other beings. govern the human (thinking, emotion, desire, physiological needs) gathered at Deux colonnes sont présentes de chaque côté de la justice, ou bien les côtés du dossier du trône prennent la forme de deux colonnes. be expelled from the present”. Or can't find what you’re looking for? love; for sexuality, it is creative joy; for the body, it is prosperity, not Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. If this resonates, start from a place of forgiveness and self-acceptance. Assessment – Clarity – Prohibition – Empowerment – Giving yourself what you La Justice est une Lame tranchante, elle tombe comme un … This Major card thus removes the traditional visualization of Justice Signification dans le Tarot. Justice wears a crown with a small square on it representing well-ordered thoughts, and a red robe with a green mantle. She taught us how to say yes and no, how may be valuable allies. The figure of Justice sits in front of a loosely hung purple veil, signifying compassion, and between two pillars, similar to those framing the High Priestess and the Hierophant, which symbolise balance, law and structure. I am not only targeting you La Justice est la 8ème Lame du Tarot. It is also conceivable that by this gesture, Justice is calling us represents the need for perfection, and this need is so strong that it Semblable à l'Impératrice quant à l'attitude hiératique, à la chevelure blonde et à la couleur des vêtements, la Justice a toutefois perdu ses ailes. Intuitive Tarot: 31 Days to Learn to Read Tarot Cards and Develop Your Intuition. Il n'y as pour ainsi dire, aucune différence majeurs entre La Justice du Rider Waite et du Marseille, si ce n'est leur chiffre attribué. Following the accumulation of number 2, the setting of number 4, and the pleasurable discovery of number 6, number 8 reaches the level that has nothing to add or subtract. Assess your situation once more, this time intending to discover where you can accept responsibility. La présence de La Justice dans un Tirage indique que, dans la vie du Consultant, tout est en ordre et à sa place. with closed eyes; her gaze caught our gaze like a mirror of reflection, and The Justice tarot card appearing in a reading signals that a judgment will be made fairly and accordingly. Le Mat Tarot – The Fool – Tarot de Marseille, Le Bateleur Tarot – The Magician – Tarot de…, La Papesse Tarot – The Priestess – Tarot de…, L’Impératrice Tarot – The Empress – Tarot…, The Emperor – L’Empereur Marseille – Tarot…, The Pope – Le Pape Tarot – Tarot de Marseille, The Chariot – Le Chariot Tarot – Tarot de…, The Justice – La Justice Tarot – Tarot de…, The Wheel of Futune – La Roue De Fortune Tarot –…, The Strength – La Force Tarot – Tarot de…, The Hanged Man – Le Pendu Tarot – Tarot de…, The Death – La Mort Tarot | Tarot de Marseille, The Temperance – Tempérance Tarot | Tarot de Marseille, The Devil – Le Diable Tarot | Tarot de Marseille, The Tower – La Maison Dieu | Tarot de Marseille, The Star – L’étoile Tarot | Tarot de Marseille, The Moon – La Lune Tarot | Tarot de Marseille, The Sun – Le Soleil Tarot | Tarot de Marseille, The World – Le Monde Tarot | Tarot de Marseille, Ace of Swords – As D’épée Tarot | Tarot de…, 4 of Sword – 4 D’épée Tarot | Tarot de Marseille, 5 of Swords – 5 D’épée Tarot |Tarot de Marseille, 10 of Swords – 10 D’épée Tarot | Tarot de…, Knave of Swords – Valet D’épée Tarot | Tarot de…, Knight of Swords – Cavalier D’épée | Tarot de…, King of Swords – Roi D’épée | Tarot de Marseille, Queen of Swords – Reine D’épée Tarot | Tarot de…, Ace of Cups – As De Coupe | Tarot de Marseille, 2 of Cups – 2 De Coupe Tarot | Tarot de Marseille, 3 of Cups – 3 de Coupe Tarot | Tarot de Marseille, 4 of Cups – 4 de Coupe Tarot | Tarot de Marseille, 5 of Cups – 5 de Coupe Tarot | Tarot de Marseille, 6 of Cups – 6 de Coupe Tarot | Tarot de Marseille, 7 of Cups – 7 de Coupe Tarot | Tarot de Marseille, 8 of Cups – 8 de Coupe Tarot | Tarot de Marseille, 9 of Cups – 9 de Coupe Tarot | Tarot de Marseille, 10 of Cups – 10 de Coupe Tarot | Tarot de Marseille, Knave of Cups – Valet De Coupe | Tarot de Marseille, Knight of Cups – Cavalier De Coupe | Tarot de…, King of Cups – Roi De Coupe | Tarot de Marseille, Queen of Cups – Reine De Coupe | Tarot de Marseille, Ace of Wands – As De Baton | Tarot de Marseille, 2 of Wands – 2 De Baton | Tarot de Marseille, 3 of Wands – 3 de Baton Tarot | Tarot de Marseille, 4 of Wands – 4 de Baton | Tarot de Marseille, 5 of Wands – 5 de Baton | Tarot de Marseille, 6 of Wands – 6 de Baton | Tarot de Marseille, 7 of Wands – 7 de Baton | Tarot de Marseille, 8 of Wands – 8 de Baton | Tarot de Marseille, 9 of Wands – 9 de Baton | Tarot de Marseille, 10 of Wands – 10 de Baton | Tarot de Marseille, Knave of Wands – Valet de Baton | Tarot de Marseille, Queen of Wands – Reine de Baton | Tarot de Marseille, King of Wands – Roi de Baton | Tarot de Marseille, Knight of Wands – Roi de Baton | Tarot de Marseille, Ace of Pentacles – As de Denier | Tarot de Marseille, 2 of Pentacles – 2 de Deniers | Tarot de Marseille, 3 of Pentacles – 3 de Deniers | Tarot de Marseille, 4 of Pentacle – 4 de Deniers | Tarot de Marseille, 5 of Pentacles – 5 de Deniers | Tarot de Marseille, 6 of Pentacles – 6 de Deniers | Tarot de Marseille, 7 of Pentacles – 7 de Denier | Tarot de Marseille, 8 of Pentacles – 8 de Deniers | Tarot de Marseille, 9 of Pentacles – 9 de Deniers | Tarot de Marseille, 10 of Pentacles – 10 de Deniers | Tarot de Marseille, Knave of Pentacles – Valet de Deniers | Tarot de…, Knight of Pentacles – Cavalier de Deniers | Tarot de…, Queen of Pentacles – Reine de Deniers | Tarot de…, King of Pentacles – Roi de Deniers | Tarot de…, Queen Of Swords – Deviant Moon Tarot Deck, Knight Of Swords – Deviant Moon Tarot Deck. card is first and foremost involved in self-justice for ourselves, and give La justice annonce un jugement impartial et juste, même si le consultant peut se voir soumettre à certaines obligations. Whichever you choose, you will need to live with the consequences on your conscience, so go with what feels right for you. the most approachable incarnation of the great female prototype the Moon something other than health; for the fifth element, Awareness, I give it the she received from the universe. La Justice, l’arcane VIII du tarot de Marseille, revêt une importance prépondérante au sein de la communauté des initiés de la cartomancie. This card also infertility – Deception – Accuracy – The laws of the universe – Perfection – with this color because it is used to cut off our abundant and separate ego Lá bài Tarot Justice đại diện cho sự công bằng, thẳng thắn, thật thà và luật pháp. my place on the explosive and immortal crossroads where the material ocean is Accept In this sense,