- The sword-wielding variant deals in Standard, Thrust, and Strike damage, meaning that you'll need to constantly have your shield up to block or deflect their incoming attacks. Love absolutely launching Silver Knights with the weapon art. 0 At this point the only problem with the LK compared to the AW is that the LK has innate lightning damage, which of course doesn’t replicate the Watchers. 1 Availability 2 Characteristics 3 Moveset 4 Upgrades 5 Videos Dropped by Lothric Knights who wield them. Despite all the flashy magic and godly powers Dark Souls 3 bestows upon players, the best and most efficient way to kill some rotting old gods and their emaciated minions is to poke holes in them or slice them in half. 35.0 Lothric Knight Greatsword guide with all stats, location, upgrades, lore, and tips. How to get: Dropped by Lothric Knights found in the High Wall of Lothric, the Grand Archives, and Lothric Castle. Attribute requirement Forging the Lothric Knight Sword from Dark Souls 3. 0 for 40/40 STR/FTH Mugen monkey says that dark does more AR than blessed. Had the full Gundyr set, and had Estus that fully healed him. Due to the knight's proximity to a bonfire, this is a very easy place to farm for the greatsword. Once famed and feared for their drake cavalry, the Lothric Knights fought bravely until slain, sworn faithful as one of the monarch's three pillars; for they who raise Lothric's banner are still to be feared, the cut of their blade as sweet, sudden and merciless as it ever was. Just having good gear isn’t enough though, cause apparently he doesn’t understand that you can’t parry 2H Greathammers. Attack power Winged Knights wear a blue Lothric … 0 using this sword taught me that gankers don't think like normal people, was invading in RC and went to that stairway hallway after the second bonfire, host and two phantoms rushed me, I swung r1 twice, they all died. The Lothric Knight Sword is a straight sword in Dark Souls III. Blessed, Lightning, Chaos and Dark infusions add Faith scaling to it's lightning base damage. Weapons in Dark Souls 3 are listed on this page. That is all. Attribute bonus Weapon Arts Showcase Lothric Knight Sword. With a sharp infusion and sufficient upgrades, the sword gains an S scaling in Dexterity. Standard/Thrust Lothric Knight Sword is better for elemental infusions, for physical like sharp, heavy, and refined you’re better off with the Longsword really. you know what i mean? Learn those skills after beating Vordt, where the enemies are just a few steps away from the bonfire. For Dark Souls III on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Longsword vs Lothric Knight Sword". My weapon of choice is Lothric Knight Sword cause I got the drop as on my first Red eyes knight outside of Dancer and decided to go with it. Why my +10 blessed one only scale B with faith??? That being said Chaos and Dark is generally the best, but requires heavy stat investment. [Top 5] Dark Souls 3 Best Dex Weapons And How To Get Them. Back in the early days of Dark Souls 3, it was the dark sword that reigned supreme. Had to be the dumbest invader I’ve ever seen. - I am running 18 dex 18 str atm. The Lothric Knight Sword's strong attacks are reminiscent of the Balder Side Sword's strong attacks, which are explicitly thrust attacks instead of the typical upward slashes (one-handed) or broad, horizontal slashes (two-handed). why does my lothric gs have an s scaling in dex with sharp infusion on lvl 4? As such, the Leo Ring complements this weapon excellently, as it will make the already substantial counterattacks even stronger. Ashen Ones. I was going to do Sharp LKS, 18str for my shield of choice, 40ish dex, 40-50 faith, and vig/end with enough vit for muh fashion by the end. 1 Description 2 Locations 3 Strategy 4 Drops 5 Notes 6 See also 7 Gallery Hulking, rotund knights that guard key areas of Lothric Castle, these warriors appear slow but are aggressive fighters capable of surprising speed and agility. Lothric Knight Sword is of course objectively the best looking 1 handed sword in the game and my goal weapon. 25.0 Players may equip up to 3 in the slots for each hand. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. - ". Only wish R1 was vertical, great against large foes/bosses, plus faster recovery (pls correct if wrongHorizontal works well against swarm of mobs thought, One just cant have both I supposeReally like the slick shape, not very chunky nor sticky (another one is PGSEnjoying with quality build, have fun anons! Another weapon you might want to consider in the basic Longsword. a dex based ultra greatsword. Dark Sword Source. Even now, after its 20 base damage nerf, it’s in the top selection of PvP swords. This weapon is really fun if you want to do an Abyss Watcher cosplay, here’s why:The LKGS looks similar enough to the AWGS that you can pair it with an off-hand dagger and better replicate the fighting style of the watchers. Dark Souls Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Lightning infused and wearing the lightning clutch ring, this thing slaps and it slaps hard too. Lothric Knight Sword Scaling quality is from highest to lowest as follows: S/A/B/C/D/E.The higher the player's [Str, Dex, Mag, Fire, Light] stat, the higher the [Attack Bonus: Stat] is (found on the player status screen). Description "A well-crafted straight sword designed for thrusting attacks, wielded by the venerable Knights of Lothric. For Dark Souls III on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Lothric Knight Sword is the best weapon in the game. lothric has most range off all and a better weapon art. seeing as they all died in two hits I guess 5 vitality builds are popular now. 4.3k. (Someone directed me here to work on my Dragonslayer build btw). 15. Lothric Knight's sword will do more damage in a Quality build, because it actually has proper scaling. Miscellaneous Lothric Knight Enemy Description. The former guardians of the Lothric royal family and its walls, these once great knights have been reduced to violent hollows decaying in their armor, endlessly patrolling the castle. Skill ... A community dedicated to everything about Dark Souls 3. One of my favourite weapons in the game. Share 0 Comments. - 25.0 Join. Lothric Knights are a type of Enemy in Dark Souls 3. Very few have demonstrated the extreme strength and dexterity required for this weapon, even in the long history of the Lothric Knights. Blessed competes with Lightning Infusion at 60 Faith even in PvP. The Lothric Knight Greatsword is an ultra greatsword in Dark Souls III. With a game that requires so much patience, it can be beneficial to use a powerful build to make the rage less frequent. Infuse it with Refined if you can spare the gem, and it will be even better. N/A It should be noted that the Lothric Knight Sword has a slightly higher critical modifier than the other straight swords (110 instead of 100). But i found a new weapon that i find pretty cool to use.The Wolf Knights Greatsword The weapon is a greatsword which is enough for me because i am trying to make a strengh build (i know,using the Lothric Sword on a strengh build is not pratical but because … When we put it in the 'max' tab on the tab, it shows that the sharp +10 infusion has an A-scale in dexterity. If you wish to post videos, please click the link and apply in the thread), Parameter Bonus: Strength, Dexterity,Magic, Fire, Lightning and Dark bonuses - The scaling multiplier applied to the [Attack: stat]. Personally I’d say build your weapon around your preferred play style and not the other way around. Use one's weight to lunge forward with a low stance and increased poise, and follows with strong attack for an upward slash. Imbued with the strength of lightning, the trademark of dragon hunting. Straight Swords tend to be overlooked in FromSoftware's Dark Souls 3, but the category's best weapons are fantastic. Requires regular reinforcement titanite and souls +, Contributions to Fextralife Wikis are licensed under a. The Lothric Knight Sword has been a steady pick since the game first released, and for many good reasons. If you play with it properly than not really. plus dark sword is for scrubs. AGS longer? If you need to poise through attacks better, or need more damage, you can also two-hand the LKGS. 35 I have image here: https://imgur.com/XZL7yoOPlease send help. -(13/15) it's one of my favorites and it's also very fun to kill those using it because a lot of them call you trash and spam hate messages but i don't use it very often any more because i'm trying to broaden my horizon. For Dark Souls III on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Sunlight straight sword or blessed lothric straight sword". The Lothric Knight Sword is a straight sword in Dark Souls III. Lothric Knights are there to teach you how to parry and backstab properly. 500 So far using the LKS is not as good as my claymore, which has more damage and better range. D I managed to farm it off of knights near vordt. When an items durability is low, a message will come up saying "Weapon At Risk!" Lothric Knight Sword. How good is a refined 60/60 (strength and dex) with 60 faith and buffed with Lightning blade LKGS? 4000 Dark Souls 3: Watch the Lothric Knight Sword Forged in Real-Life. It is possible to farm them on the High Wall of Lothric. The two-handed strong attacks have impressive range, and, much like spears, can hit for very high damage as a counterattack. One can be found walking down the strairs directly south of the Twin Princes boss fight/bonfire. Additionally, Chaos and Dark provide one of the highest ARs in the game at max character level. A lot of good that poise does you in outer space ya shiny bastards! We did a series of live videos on instagram asking what video game piece we should make next. Buy a torch (300 souls from the shrine handmaiden) before going to Cathedral of the Deep. Dark Souls 3: The 10 Best Straight Swords, Ranked. 0 One that wields a straight sword and shield, one that wields a pike and dons a greatshield, and one that wields only an ultra greatsword. When developing a build, the player should try to find the weapon that mixes the right amount of damage, bonuses and moveset, alongside stamina consumption and Skills.Weapon classes do not necessarily share the same skills so check each individual weapon page to see … I'm doing a mix between a pyro and a strenght build, and I'm wondering if this weapon is good for that. Dark Souls III Wiki » Weapons » Straight Swords » Lothric Knight Sword Lore A well-crafted straight sword designed for thrusting attacks, wielded by the venerable Knights of Lothric. I'm trying it but i want to know if i'm wasting my time. It’s essentially a fast-swinging greatsword – it hits like a truck … They wield either a halberd or twinaxes and can cast pillars of light. Lothric Knight Sword. (If your name is not on THIS list, please do not post videos here. 45.0 103 A weak starter weapon, it's true. I'm a total idiot for doing heavy infusion, I totally forgot this knight didn't have one of those, can i get this sword from the knight with his back turned right before the vordt? It just so happens that one of the best starting classes that lets players do that is the Knight. SHAREfactory™https://store.playstation.com/#!/en-us/tid=CUSA00572_00 Description Prince Lothric's straight sword, blessed by Emma with potent magic . I imagine chaos infusion is the best, but I'm not sure, Would it make sense to do: lothric knight greatsword + blessed gem + lightning blade / blessed weapon. Which one should i get? ". 35.0 -. Winged Knights are enemies in Dark Souls III. Early on, they ar… 1 Availability 2 Characteristics 3 Moveset 4 Upgrades 5 Videos Dropped by Lothric Knights who wield them. - this thing is so good, but i feel so cheap using it... Can someone please explain to me why Sharp infusion gets more damage than Heavy? 4.0 It seems to me that this sword “misses” a lot. Ultra greatsword of the venerable knights of Lothric. The higher the scaling letter, the higher the percent multiplier applied to the [Attack: Stat].This resulting bonus damage is added to the base physical damage of the weapon and is shown in the equipment screen in blue numbers as a "+ X". I like the Lothric Knight Sword just for the sake of liking its simplicity,plus extra critical damage. The Lothric Knight Sword is a straight sword Weapon in Dark Souls 3. Like, why does this weapon scale so damn well with dex.It's a thick hunk of metal and you're telling me that strength is unnecessary? Dark Souls 3: How to Beat a Lothric Knight. When i started dark souls 3 i was trying for a strength build i got a Lothric knight sword and have used up until now it's +10 with a Heavy infusion but u was think the claymore may do me better when it comes to NG+ it's +9 no infusion This was what I am going to do. 18 https://darksouls.fandom.com/wiki/Lothric_Knight_Sword?oldid=323715. Durability: The weapon's HP, when the durability hits 0, the effectiveness of its attacks become weakened to the point of almost uselessness. I have a +1 claymore and +2 LKS. This, coupled with the ability to charge strong attacks, can make the Lothric Knight Sword deal astronomical damage if timed correctly in combat. 80 For Dark Souls III on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Broadsword, Uchigatana or Lothric Knight Sword?