Now a caveat, I don't have a lot of pre bought toys, most of mine are mqtt based, scripts (integration to paradox, temp sensors based on raspberry pi/esp8266/homie). Common Questions and Answers Q- Do I Need A Hub? Or other software projects like Home-Assistant, Openhab, Jeedom or Domoticz. ... Domoticz. OpenHab vs Home Assistant vs Domoticz – Let’s get down to Business OpenHab2 was released in 2017 with the idea of reaching a less technical audience. That left me with OpenHab and Home Assistant. I was interested in it as it uses Lua as a scripting language, which I’m already familiar with from using the veralite. OpenHAB (short for Open Home Automation Bus) is one of the best-known home automation tools among open source enthusiasts, with a large user community and quite a number of supported devices and integrations. Here why you should be choosing for Domoticz. OpenHAB. OpenHAB. Domoticz seems to lack the level of community involvement that the others have, and it didn’t support as many of the devices as I was interested in. Written in Java, openHAB is portable across most major operating systems and even runs nicely on the Raspberry Pi. Idc if that’s mean of me to say as I know there’s devs that spend time on it, but OpenHAB has like 5 different UIs, all that configure things differently, and most don’t overlap each other. This is just a small selection of the platforms available. openHAB Alternatives. Device Description; Busch-Jaeger 6711 U: Relay Insert: There are more than 25 alternatives to openHAB for a variety of platforms, including Linux, iPhone, Mac, Windows and Android. Which is a shame. The arguments to choose for the system still apply but there are players in the smart home field. Domoticz, Openhab, and Vera appear to be the most popular based on number of topics and posts. 24. A-Whether or not you need a hub will depend on the networking technology that you are using or planning to use.Generally if you are using Z-Wave or Zigbee then you will need a hub. Atleast when I configure in the config doc vs the UI, they both end up in the config doc so I have everything centralized. Note: OpenHAB is a third, popular system for home automation on Raspberry Pi. Update: this information is a bit dated. OpenHAB is a home automation platform whose main aim is the integration and interaction between different home automation technologies and devices. The built-in graphing in Domoticz looks very appealing. Openhab vs Home assistant - Tippen sie 2 Stichwörter une … Top 5 Smart Home Hubs Compared; 3 Things No One Will Tell You About Home Assistant . openHAB is described as '"empowering the smart home" - vendor and technology agnostic open source home automation' and is a well-known app in the Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency category. I think I can rule out Vera based on prior negative experience with it. The absence of a device in this list does not mean it will not work - if the device is a standard ZigBee device similar to ones on this list, then it should work. So, I guess that makes it Domoticz vs. OpenHAB. The following devices have been tested by openHAB users with the binding. Because the general factors below are quite similar for OpenHAB and Domoticz, we have simplified our comparison. The new release includes Paper UI, a new web UI that allows you to do a lot of the configurations without having to edit files. There are too many! I can't compare Domoticz with other home automation controllers because I don't know them. Last year Google made a change to Google Home/Google Assistant that stopped them from working with the ha-bridge (Phillips Hue bridge emulator). This is a lightweight home automation system that allows to monitor and configure lights, switches, sensor and other devices. Any reasons to prefer one over the other?