Promote green growth. By continuing your navigation on this site, you accept our use of cookies. Towards smart industry The factory of … The factory of the future is connected! VINCI Energies kenmerkt zich door een unieke netwerkorganisatie van business units. Our business units deliver a customised solution for each individual project, from the smallest to the most complex. Collect and analyse the traffic generated by the website. Allow the display of our latest posts thanks to Facebook and Twitter widgets. Tecuni participe à cette dynamique en gerant l'entretien de l'eclairage public de la ville. We require your agreement in order to use some of them. Ecovadis rewards VINCI Energies with platinum; 1. Mensen maken het verschil en dat waarderen we. Ze zijn zeer autonoom. VINCI Energies UK & RoI. Modern, making use of ICT, it is fundamentally altering manufacturing processes. in, voordat u uw aanvraag verstuurt. Wij geloven dat gebouwen zich moeten aanpassen aan de mensen die zich erin begeven, kortom; bringing buildings to life! Living in a smart city – what does it mean? Read more. This explains the substantial investments being made across all the different networks: expanding infrastructure for mobile telephony, integration of networks for companies and local authorities, and the rollout … VINCI Energies voert tal van projecten uit die bijdragen aan de verbetering van het dagelijks leven en het vormgeven van de wereld van morgen. VINCI Energies intervient au plus proche de vous chaque jour. VINCI Energies werkt vanuit autonome business units onder de netwerkmerken Actemium, Axians, Omexom en VINCI Facilities om in te spelen op de vragen en behoeftes vanuit de markt en samenleving. Actemium, het merk het merk van VINCI Energies gericht op industriële processen. Eurovia, Vinci Energies, Vinci Construction, Vinci Concessions (airports, stadiums, highways), Vinci Autoroutes (Autoroutes du Sud de la France, Cofiroute, Escota, Arcour) Website: Vinci, corporately styled VINCI, is a French concessions and construction company founded in 1899 as Société Générale d'Enterprises. VINCI Energies’ ICT activity increased again in 2019 (6% to €2.4 billion) as a result of strong external growth. The personal data (Civility, last name, first name and email address) collected through this contact form are only transmitted to the communication department of the VINCI Energies Brazil.This information will be used to process and respond to your request. Toeleveranciers Intelligenter, mobieler, meer verbonden en duurzamer: de wereld evolueert elke dag. For more information, please see our cookie policy. Deelnemen aan maatschappelijke projecten, Safety Excellence: 0% ongelukken en 0% beroepsziekten, Safety Week: Veiligheid, Gezondheid en Welzijn, Duurzaam inzetbaar: Lifetime Employability, 8. Join us and put the full extent of your talents to use. 170 were here. The VINCI Group does not offer such investments and has never asked third parties to do so. Follow us on twitter. … VINCI Energies focuses on connections, performance, energy efficiency and data to fast-track the rollout of new technologies and support the digital transformation and the energy transition. its leading concern. VINCI Energies focuses on connections, performance, energy efficiency and data to fast-track the rollout of new technologies and support the digital transformation and the energy transition. Accelerator of energy transition and digital transformation | In a world undergoing constant change, VINCI Energies focuses on … Vul deze a.u.b. Meer weten over het beheren van uw gegevens en uw rechten.. Technically ensure that the site functions correctly. With its "Zero Accidents" goal, Private area, reserved for VINCI employees and their guests. VINCI Energies operates in 56 countries worldwide and generates 54% of its revenue abroad. VINCI Energies Belgium offers innovative solutions and services in the fields of industry, infrastructure, ICT and services. : +31 (0) 88 83 18 200; VINCI Energies International & Systems. + Shaping the future – now and beyond. De expertises van VINCI Energies. Contact us. : +31 88 831 80 00; VINCI Facilities - Doetinchem Fabriekstraat 17c 7005 AP Doetinchem Tel. The Site is the property of VINCI Energies, a French public limited company (“société anonyme”) with share capital of 123,063,040 euros, registered in the Versailles Trade and Companies Register under number B 391 635 844, with … Legal Information. Fundament ligt in onze dagelijkse werkzaamheden, Ecovadis beloont VINCI Energies met Platinum, Ethisch handelen: bijdragen aan de kwaliteit van de wereld, Onze doelstelling: onze CO2-uitstoot verminderen met 40% in 2030, Wat VINCI Energies bereikt met de CO2-Prestatieladder, 4. Photovoltaic solar energy: Generating electricity from sunlight, Reaching out to schools: searching for the talent of the future, Promoting the integration of staff members with disabilities, Encouraging cultural and social diversity, Seniors: ensuring job retention to guarantee the transmission of knowledge, Safety and prevention at the workplace: our "zero accident" objective, Limiting the impact of our business on the environment - a challenge for everyone. Om veiligheidsredenen wordt het IP-adres van de verzender geregistreerd bij elk contactverzoek via dit formulier. VINCI Energies gespecialiseerd in Facility Management . Actemium Qatar Al Markaz Al Mana Building, 4th Floor, Al Matar Street, Najma Airport Road Building#100, Street#310, Zone#26 What can we learn from the Oldsmar water supply hack? Actemium bedient klanten in de markten olie & gas, voeding, brouwerijen & dranken, feed, chemie en farmacie, logistiek en manufacturing. Please fill them in before confirming that you would like to send. Discover our accomplishments around the world. + Italian Blog. Technology and industry 4.0 + Public Cloud Colt data center in Milan. VINCI Energies operates from autonomous business units under the brands Actemium, Axians and Omexom. ICT. Building on lasting relationships; Commitment from and with partners; 2. Lees meer. VINCI Energies VINCI Energies International & Systems. Wilt u meer weten? De persoonsgegevens (Geslacht, achternaam, voornaam, telefoonnummer en e-mailadres) die met dit formulier verzameld worden, worden alleen doorgestuurd naar de communicatieafdeling van VINCI Energies Nederland. Energies, éco-révolution, technologies de l’information : nous aimons explorer de … Local solutions to global issues. VINCI Energies deploys its expertise through its five network brands. Delen in de voordelen van onze prestaties. VINCI Energies is present in Italy with 6 different Business Units that work in all Italy: Elphi VM, VINCI Facilities, Omexom, SKE, Telematic Solutions and Axians. Public lighting: between economy and ecology, 4G Network: The comfort of a very high speed mobile connection, Cloud computing: Towards virtualisation within companies, Mobile coverage: Interior and exterior, ensuring the network throughout, Data centres: Welcome to the data factories, Optical fibre: Very high speed Internet for all, Industry 4.0: The factory of tomorrow will be autonomous, Cobotics: When people and robots work together, Charging stations: The future of electric vehicles, Tramways, clean transport in the heart of metropolitan areas, Smart grids: Electrical networks that evolve in response to usage. Accelerator of energy transition and digital transformation. VINCI Energies is present in 53 countries around the world. We work at clients' locations, at home and in the office at 1.5 metres. The wind is an inexhaustible source of clean energy that is being used more and more. VINCI Facilities … Door op "Zend" te klikken, stem ik in met het verzenden van deze gegevens om een antwoord op mijn vraag te krijgen. Actemium & VINCI Energies. Daardoor kunnen ze snel en flexibel reageren op veranderingen en kansen in hun lokale markten. Deze gegevens worden nooit verwerkt voor statistische, analytische of commerciële doeleinden. Authenticate by 1 click, clicking on the name of your pole: (You will use the authentication service provided by it) Interview met Jos Boers, Managing Director VINCI Energies Nederland, Industrie – in het hart van de industriële prestaties. Contact. Number of employees, locations, organisation, revenue... VINCI Energies essentials at a glance. Energies, éco-révolution, technologies de l’information : nous aimons explorer de … We use cookies to ensure that the site functions correctly, and also to gather statistical data about visits. Netwerkmerken Alle vakjes met een * moeten ingevuld worden. 170 were here. Infrastructuur, industrie, dienstensector en telecommunicatie: VINCI Energies heeft expertise in … VINCI Energies makes safety in, voordat u uw aanvraag verstuurt. The site accessible at (the “Site”) is destined to provide personal information to its users. Working safely in a responsible manner. All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required. Alle vakjes met een * moeten ingevuld worden. Comply with ethical principles. VINCI Energies has a local presence, close to our customers. VINCI Energies Belgium biedt innovatieve oplossingen en diensten in de industrie, infrastructuur, ICT en de dienstensector. autosnelwegen en parkeerterreinen. VINCI 1 cours Ferdinand de Lesseps F-92851 Rueil-Malmaison Cedex - France Tel: +33 1 47 16 35 00 Write us by Email: Email Below are the different types of cookies used on this site. By continuing browsing this website, you accept the use of cookies to offer content and services adapted to your interests. VINCI Energies Netherlands ICT Mountbattenweg 19 5466 AX Veghel Tel. VINCI Energies provides a broad range of services in energy and information technologies. Our latest tweets. VINCI Concessions. VanderLinden - merk van VINCI Energies - is totaalleverancier op het gebied van technische installaties en technische dienstverlening. Neemt u dan contact met ons op middels onderstaand formulier. Wind turbines: How does wind generate electricity? Vul deze a.u.b. Design and build. Editeur. Domaines d’activité, réalisations, enjeux de société ou offres d’emploi : découvrez le Groupe. The Company offers industrial mechanics, thermal engineering, … Bedrijven van VINCI Concessions beheren in opdracht van overheden o.a. VINCI Energies combines the proximity of its local business units with a worldwide network of experts. WARNING The Group has been informed that the name VINCI or that of its subsidiaries VINCI Concessions, VINCI Airports or VINCI Immobilier are currently being used fraudulently by individuals offering investments in airport car parks managed by VINCI Airports. VINCI Energies Belgium is registered in the Brussels Register of Legal Entities under number 0881.526.496, with its registered office at: Bourgetlaan 44, 1130 Brussels Phone: +32 (0)2 775 90 45 VAT N°: BE 0881 526 496 Do you know how wind turbines work? Faster, safer, and paperless with our partner Basware. VINCI Energies is a community of incredible people empowered to deliver the promises of the digital and energy revolutions. VINCI Energies | 211,548 followers on LinkedIn. VINCI Energies deploys its fields of expertise in four business lines: infrastructure, industry, service sector and ICT. Cleaner, safer, more innovative... Transportation solutions bring city dwellers closer together and remove the distance barrier. 170 were here. You can give your agreement by activating the appropriate buttons. Ethical dealings: contributing to the quality of the world; Ethical Codes of Conduct; 3. VINCI Energies draagt bij aan een veranderende wereld door infrastructuur, gebouwen en industriële sites met elkaar te ve... Lees meer In een steeds veranderende wereld richt VINCI Energie zich op netwerken en integratie, optimalisatie van prestaties, energie-efficiency en verbindt infrastructuur, gebouwen en industriële sites met elkaar. De business units zitten dicht bij de klanten. Our history: VINCI Energies through the years, Infrastructure: At the heart of the energy transition, Industry: At the heart of the industrial performance, Building Solutions: Making buildings smarter and more sustainable, ICT: At the heart of the digital transformation, Actemium: An expert in industrial performance, Axians: Working at the heart of the digital transformation, Solutions to light up your life in the city with Citeos, Omexom delivers on the promise of energy transition, VINCI Facilities: Technical expertise in facility management. VINCI Energies richt zich op netwerken en integratie, optimalisatie van prestaties, energie-efficiency, data en de digitale transformatie en energietransitie. Twelve new business units, representing full year revenue of €260 million, joined its dedicated Axians brand network, boosting its expertise in areas such as telecommunications infrastructure, cybersecurity and data analytics. VINCI Energies Accelerator of energy transition and digital transformation. Infrastructure, industry, service sector and ICT are the different business lines in which we operate. Mobile telephone operators and service providers, enterprises and public sector are all focusing on the same concern: developing their infrastructures and digital solutions. Deze gegevens worden gebruikt om uw aanvraag te behandelen en u een antwoord te kunnen sturen. VINCI Energies sponsor of Initiatives-Cœur, The Agility Effect An observatory of trends in our markets. De persoonsgegevens (Geslacht, achternaam, voornaam, telefoonnummer en e-mailadres) die met dit formulier verzameld worden, worden alleen doorgestuurd naar de communicatieafdeling van VINCI Energies Nederland.Deze gegevens worden gebruikt om uw … VINCI Energies in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland operates under six brands which are closely connected by our network: Axians, Actemium, Eitech, Emil Lundgren, INAC and Omexom. Our business lines VINCI Energies deploys its fields of expertise in four business lines: infrastructure, industry, service sector and ICT. VINCI Energies bundelt haar verschillende expertises om de juiste oplossingen te bieden in lijn met de eisen van de markt. If you do not activate these buttons, we will only use the cookies that are strictly necessary for the site to function correctly. Energies, éco-révolution, technologies de l’information : nous aimons explorer de …