In an epilogue scene, taking place six years later, it is revealed that Clarke has survived and has been trying to contact Bellamy using radio. To prove that he's not bluffing, he shows Diyoza a mug that he carried from the ship. Bellamy had always wanted to be a member of the guard. In Season Seven, Clarke and Bellamy affirm that they are best friends. Raven is staring at a screen. This was hard to watch. Since Octavia wouldn't listen to Bellamy or Clarke, they go to Indra about it. "-"But you know what, the truth is that I'm not deliberately toying with [Bellarke]! Sensing that he's upset, Clarke follows Bellamy and tells him that Octavia will forgive him eventually and that she's offering him forgiveness. Clarke finds something, and it's a staircase. In Sanctum, Clarke and Bellamy are joined by Echo, Emori, Murphy, Miller, Jackson, and Shaw to go down to explore the new world. Bellamy uses Monty's algae to poison Octavia's food which causes her to slip into a coma. After she asks about what they should do next, Bellamy says that they should put it away and hope they never have to use it. It's in the books! Ugh i thought the same thing!! Later, Bellamy tells her the moment she takes the wristband off they can go rescue Jasper. i am such a hardcore shipper for them you can tell that they are meant to be and it probably has to do with the actors lol. Bellamy tells her that if the air is toxic they will all die anyway. After that, Clarke leaves Bellamy and the rest of her people behind at Camp Jaha to cope with what happened at Mount Weather and decompress. In Human Trials, When Clarke sees Bellamy at Camp Jaha, she runs to him and gives him a big hug. Later, Clarke says that love is weakness, implying that she had to sent Bellamy away in order to dismiss her weaknesses and therefore the source of her affection. Bellamy then tells her that she'll have to kill him, but Clarke can't pull the trigger. Once they have time to process this. Video of Bellamy & Clarke - for him. Bellamy assumed Clarke died in the death wave. They were working together for most of Season Four, but they separated in "We Will Rise" and reunited at the end of "DNR". Three times in. Bellamy tells Clarke to leave with them while Lexa offers Clarke protection if she remains as Skaikru ambassador. In Sic Semper Tyrannis, After poisoning his sister, Bellamy tells Indra and Clarke about it but lies to Madi and everyone else that Octavia is just sick. In Wanheda (Part 2), Bellamy is with Pike, Indra, Monty, Hannah, and Kane when he spots Roan and Clarke across the field. In Inclement Weather, Bellamy, along with a few other Delinquents, leave Camp Jaha to search for Clarke and the other missing Delinquents. This confession leads Bellamy on a mission to remove everyone's wristbands to make the Ark think Earth is not safe. Despite avoiding every year previously, Clarke decides to go to the Unity Day dance for the Ark's teenagers. I think Clarke appreciates it, but I don't think it lessens anything in Clarke's mind. :Clarke and Bellamy meet on the Ark, causing a ripple effect of change. Dans I Am Become Death, Clarke et Bellamy débattent sur ce qu'ils doivent faire de Murphy, qui est revenu au camp complètement blessé. He is furious at both of them for stealing the bunker and more notably for leaving his sister outside. "Stay away from me, Clarke, I'm a monster and I don't want to hurt you!" The radiation is from fish that they ate. She banishes Murphy instead of allowing Bellamy to kill him. In Join or Die, Clarke, Bellamy, Octavia, and Jasper are using the maps in Lincoln's journal in order to find Luna's clan. Jaha then tells Clarke that she's stronger than her mother and that they'll figure everything out. In Sleeping Giants, Bellamy and the group land on the ground, they immediately come face to face with the prisoners. Echo attacks Clarke for leaving Bellamy in Polis. But it doesn't enter our minds as storytellers as, 'How are we going to deepen and play with the Bellamy/Clarke love story?' He says that if he's on the list, then she's on the list. When the group finds a strung up Jasper, Clarke triggers a pitfall and Bellamy instinctively grabs her arm, saving her. Clarke and Bellamy pull down the lever that causes all the Mountain Men, including the children and people who have helped them, to die in "Blood Must Have Blood (Part 2)". Kane accepts their wish and says that there will be a place for them when they get back. After the gorilla attack, Clarke schedules an action plan to conquer Mount Weather but she needs Bellamy to get to Mount Weather. Clarke, Jaha, and Bellamy leaving to look for the bunker that was built by a doomsday cult, known as "The Second Dawn." Jaha explains to her that Bellamy is the only person that his search party found. Blodreina accuses her of not caring for him and claims he hasn't forgiven her and thinks of her a monster. He attempts to take her to Pike but she shock-lashes him and escapes. In A Sort of Homecoming, Clarke reveals to her friends that she killed Bellamy, breaking down in tears as she does so. Before she leaves, Clarke reveals that the wristbands transmit vital signs to the Ark. After learning that Clarke is still alive, he is determined to get her back. In the beginning, Bellamy shows a great amount of animosity towards Clarke and considers her to be one of the "privileged" in the hierarchy the Ark created. During the journey Bellamy and Clarke share a few talks. Madi and Bellamy arrive to the Valley just when Diyoza is dragging Clarke outside to torture her.Bellamy asks Diyoza to spare Clarke's life or else all the 283 prisoners in the ship would die. In How We Get to Peace Clarke and Bellamy decide to sabotage Wonkru's plan to attack the valley. Clarke and Bellamy stare at each other for a short moment. Clarke points out she spared Echo's life because she noticed Bellamy loved her. Muprhy tries to get under Clarke's skin by bringing up the past, however Bellamy tells him to stop or he will gag him. While their off-screen relationship remained mainly under wraps, the pair revealed in June 2019 that they wed. âRecently I married my best friend and soul mate @WildpipM,â Eliza tweeted. It's a very tense part of the books. If she stops worrying about everyone, she will not put those she loves in danger. Later, Bellamy is limping through the forest and grimacing in pain as his leg bleeds out, still searching for Clarke. In "Blood Giant," the relationship ends when Clarke kills Bellamy after he refuses to relent, having completely dedicated himself to the cause. Clarke instructed me. Clarke goes to Bellamy's cell, and she finds an unconscious Murphy. However she continues and apologizes for leaving Bellamy behind, saying he is her family and she will not forget it the next time because he means too much to her. It wasn’t Harper saying “I left her behind.” Clarke … Clarke and Emerson fight as Emerson tries to make Clarke beg for mercy but instead, Clarke shoves the flame in his neck killing him. Once they arrive, they are met by Kane and Indra, who informs them that Clarke is being hunted and they need to find her. You could read as much as you want in their body language and their eyes, but that's something that is being put off again as a result of Clarke's walkabout. After a beat, all he manages to say is "I won't let you die". Bellamy tells Clarke to stop and not do this. He follows her and asks to speak to her alone. Bellamy is arriving in 2-4 days due to COVID-19. In His Sister's Keeper, Clarke stops Raven from attacking Bellamy. Bellamy tries to contact Monty. for fans of Bellamy & Clarke (The 100). Clarke suggest a plan that she goes to Sanctum as Josephine but Bellamy is strictly against it, not wanting to put her in danger. In Hakeldama, Clarke demands to see Bellamy before Lexa makes a decision about the fate of the Sky People after slaughtering an entire army of Grounders sent there to protect them. Clarke tells Jaha that their decision to lock the bunker's door is wrong. Gabriel tells them that he can't do anything because once the head stops telling the heart to beat, it's over. Bellamy shakes his head, expressing disapproval. This realization strucks Clarke and she starts to slowly change her mind. In Ye Who Enter Here, Bellamy, Octavia and Pike rush to Polis when Echo informs them that the summit is a trap and that the Sky People there will die. On this occasion, he presents the plan to go to Mount Weather as an infiltrate but she denies it because it could be dangerous. Due to his actions last week, the lack of water will affect their crops as well and their overall chances of survival. She then kills more of them with a sword. Since no one can listen to them, Indra and Bellamy devise a plan to have Madi become the commander. After helping rescuing Jasper, Bellamy is shown trading wristbands for meat from the panther Wells shot. In Wanheda (Part 1), Bellamy is on a mapping run when he is called by Kane to meet him. She hugs him and whispers in his ear that she is lying to the Disciples about having the Flame. Source: CW 'The 100': BFFs Clarke and Bellamy Are Actually Married in Real Life By Gabrielle Bernardini . Echo tells Clarke that they lost the real Bellamy a long time ago and his need for meaning through Bill Cadogan's cause killed him, not Clarke. ET on The CW. She has never seen him with anyone and she never thought he would be interested in Echo. However he's utterly broken and determined to avenge Clarke. "As for Bellamy and Clarke, their love story is undoubtedly at the heart of this episode, and arguably the show as a whole. In Anaconda, Clarke is still reeling from Bellamy's death. This manages to reach even Josephine and she possibly gets scared for her life for the first time. fan Art of ☆ Bellamy and Clarke ☆ for fans of Bellamy & Clarke (The 100) 38259945 In Fog of War, Bellamy sits down with Clarke and the pair discuss Mount Weather and a plan to get the Delinquents out of there, but Finn shortly comes over to them and that makes Bellamy leave the table, giving Clarke and Finn some privacy. ), CeCe Moore Is 'The Genetic Detective' Helping Solve Decades-Old Crimes, CrossFit Champ Brooke Ence Had No Time to Prepare for 'Ultimate Tag' (EXCLUSIVE), The Lana Cult on TikTok's Fighting the "Undeserved Hate" Lana Del Rey's Been Getting, Gary Anthony Williams Fans Are Shocked by His Weight Loss Transformation, Stephen Traversie Made an Estimated $300,000 From His Career in Marketing, Here's Where the Cast of 'The Virginian' Is Now. ET Octavia admits she never thought Clarke would do that to Bellamy. After that, Bellamy goes to Clarke and tells her about the plan but Clarke refuses to accept it because Madi is just a child and they would be putting her in danger. In Shifting Sands Despite being injured, Octavia is determined to lead Wonkru to take the Valley, Octavia boldly rejects Clarke and Bellamy's ideas and marches Wonkru and Bellamy and Clarke down the dangerous path. Clarke tries to free Bellamy, but with The Children of Gabriel approaching, he takes her hand and tells her to run and find Gabriel. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Maybe you ship Bellamy and Clarke romantically, or maybe you like them as just co-leaders and a power duo. [4], Clarke killed all of Mount Weather, and obviously, this is going to affect her a lot going forward as she left to strike out on her own, even though Bellamy took on some of the responsibility. In Murphy's Law, Clarke tells Bellamy that Murphy was the one who killed Wells. Bellamy advises Clarke to keep her mouth closed, but she goes ahead and makes a scene anyway. Since Finn is dying and in need of an antidote, Clarke allows Bellamy to torture Lincoln to get him to give it up. Another person wrote, "Me minding my business and then seeing the news that eliza taylor and bob morley got married when i didn't even know they were dating, the biggest 'and i oop --' of my day. It appears that there's an issue with her suit, and Murphy intends to save her. They've killed for one another, sacrificed many to save each other, and have seen the darkest parts of each other throughout the past six seasons. Clarke refuses to leave him at first but quickly realizes she has to. Bellamy refuses to let her go on her own and follows close behind her with a weapon. He begs her to come back to Arkadia with him but she refuses so he leaves without her. They get captured by the Children of Gabriel. After talking with him, Clarke regains confidence in herself and plans a diversion. The two share a brief conversation at night in the woods around the campfire before they start to head towards the Grounder camp. Abby enters and asks about Kane. He seemed to be whittling a type of wooden sculpture. Quando Bellamy si svegliò, ci mise qualche attimo a mettere tutto a fuoco. Getting them back together to sort of finish the job was important, for sure. Clarke gets really emotional and objects to these claims. In Long Into an Abyss, Bellamy and Clarke work together to save Lincoln. However, Clarke refuses to help Cadogan start the "Last War". Bellamy feels that it's a hopeless cause, but Clarke gets him to accept it. Clarke ungags Bellamy and assures him she can do this and they are doing this for Monty to avoid bloodshed. She reveal she never planned to use the worms, but the eggs. In Bodyguard of Lies, Clarke mentions to Lexa how worried she is about Bellamy, and how she needs him to be able to turn off the acid fog. In Season Six, Clarke makes amends with Bellamy for leaving him in Polis before she unwillingly becomes a host for Josephine Lightbourne. She says that apparently, she can and tells him to say whatever he wants to say. The relationship between Clarke Griffin and Bellamy Blake starts out antagonistic towards each other. Bellamy is concerned about her and is near her when he thinks she's not alright. Luna asks if she deserves what she has for refusing the flame. By the end of the episode Clarke is forced to pretend to be Josephine as Murphy and Jade appear. Octavia agrees to sneak her into Arkadia to see Bellamy. In Many Happy Returns, Bellamy is ready to leave Mel hanging off of a cliff in order to save time to go and find Clarke, due to Finn not wanting any distractions. They manage to trap Murphy and Josephine by the radiation shield and after using an EMP to turn off the radiation shield, Bellamy takes Josephine past it in a desperate attempt to find Gabriel and save Clarke. The 100 returns on the CW for its sixth season starting April 30 at 9 pm ET/PT. Clarke and Bellamy is the relationship between Clarke Griffin and Bellamy Blake. Bellamy ignores all her statements, not letting her get under his skin. Bellamy lights a flair and they find thousands of skeletons. It is Bellamy's words that inspire Clarke to fight back and destroy Josephine for good, allowing Bellamy to revive her. Later, Clarke helps Bellamy mercy-kill Atom after he is exposed to the acid fog. In The Children of Gabriel, Clarke and Bellamy meet the leader of the Sanctum, Russell, and he asks if Clarke is the leader of her people she doesn't answer until Bellamy steps in and says yes she is. During a meeting with Russell, Bellamy gets the message and finally learns Clarke is alive and is determined to get her back. Bellamy is co-leader of the 100, alongside Clarke Griffin in the first season. She then asks one of her guards to take Clarke and Madi to the rover. The two share an emotional hug. They decide to take them inside to Alpha Station to investigate further. They end up fleeing back to Camp with the other Delinquents after the peace meeting fails and a fight occurs between the two groups of people. She tells Echo that this is not what Bellamy would have wanted. During the nightfall, the group is attacked by bugs and Shaw walks into a radiation shield as Clarke runs to help, Bellamy calls out for her as he is too worried the shield will effect her too. In Matryoshka, Clarke is trying to find Gabriel but the Sanctum guards are after her. Clarke says that they will do everything they can. The two never mention it again. They then mention that they need to go out to space and live on the Go-Sci Ring. Sadly, it looks like the bunker won't be their salvation after all. Con: No, Bellamy & Clarke Shouldn’t Get Together in Season 7 We know how a final season loves giving an OTP that big kiss to end things on a … Bellamy Blake has been running. She is then able to free her friends. Outside of the med bay, Bellamy finds Thelonious Jaha getting into a vehicle and tells him to get out. Jaha then asks if it's worth it to open the hatch. Bellamy also warns that he'll write her name down if she doesn't. Monty stops Bellamy and tells him that it is no use; they have no trail and he can barely walk. However, she manages to leave Bellamy the keys so he can free himself and she runs off. Plus tard, lorsque Bellamy voit le visage ensanglanté de sang de Clarke, il est inquiet pour elle et … Explore Fanpop. ", This fan posted, "Bob Morley and Eliza Taylor getting married is the greatest shock moment of this century. Charlotte later commits suicide because she doesn't want anyone else getting hurt because of her, and Bellamy beats Murphy until he almost dies, however, Clarke stops him. Jaha informs them that the bunker will be at the lowest point. Bellamy reassures her that he will get her out as he gently removes the gag. The series stars Eliza Taylor, Paige Turco, Marie Avgeropoulos, Bob Morley, Henry Ian Cusick, Lindsey Morgan, Richard Harmon and Tasya Teles. In "Sleeping Giants", Bellamy learns that Clarke is alive. He speaks in Trigedasleng explaining how he feels about all the people they've hurt, and how he sees them in his dreams. In Season Five, Clarke and Bellamy reunite after the six years apart. In Perverse Instantiation (Part 2), Bellamy enters the throne room to find Clarke and Abby immediately pointing a weapon at the latter before Clarke reveals she is unchipped. Clarke has reached the end of her journey and just wants to forget what she's had to do and be by herself, not reminded every second of these horrible things she's been forced to do this season in order to get her people back, from killing Finn [Thomas McDonnell] to shooting Dante to irradiating Mount Weather. She accuses him of caring about Clarke more than anybody else. After Finn's funeral, Lexa tells Clarke that to overcome the pain of loss she must see love for what it is: weakness. In The Old Man and the Anomaly, Bellamy informs the others about Clarke still being alive. At that point, Bellamy becomes convinced that that is not Clarke. However due to her night blood she comes out ok. Once they enter an abandoned compound, Bellamy confronts Clarke over the radio calls she made to him during the six year time they were apart. Octavia shows up on a horse and she says that she's there for the war. Clarke is on the verge of breaking down when she distrust her abilities and position as a leader when she hears Bellamy's voice on the radio. In "Matryoshka," Bellamy succeeds in getting Clarke to Gabriel to remove the Mind Drive, but she can't be revived after Josephine hangs on inside of Clarke. Bellamy gives her a small bit of time, saying that if Jasper isn't better by then, he will kill him. In the show, Bellamy saves Clarke multiple times. In Contents Under Pressure, Clarke and Bellamy interrogate Lincoln. Clarke then asks where Finn is, and Bellamy has a worried expression on his face when he says that he is out looking for her. They are separated during the war in "We Are Grounders (Part 2)", only to be reunited again in the fifth episode of Season Two. Clarke, Bellamy and Indra confront Octavia about her plan and the fact that it would kill their friends. These are two characters that have become good allies and obviously, there's a huge fan base for them romantically too. Por lo que solamente 500 municiones de pólvora. Grounders then ambush their convoy wanting their radiation suits and protective helmets. Once they get there by morning, both Bellamy and Clarke are horrified at the massacre Finn had created. By the end of the episode Clarke becomes a host for Josephine Lightbourne. Therefore, they ask if Raven can get them into space before the death wave hits. at the rover Clarke tells Bellamy that she didn't mean to hurt him and Bellamy accepts her apology with a smile. Bellamy admits that he only went to find supplies because he was planning on running away, but Clarke encourages him to come back and face Jaha, the Chancellor who he had shot on the Ark. 2020 - Découvrez le tableau "Bellamy and Clarke" de anyssa sur Pinterest. The respect they have for one another is also seen on the show. Her happiness turns to shock when Bellamy immediately turns around and tells Cadogan what Clarke just told him. Octavia and Gabriel manage to find her, however, the Sanctum guards find them and are about to take Josephine back to Sanctum when one of the guards shoots the others and reveals himself to be Bellamy. after the fisght Octavia won, she is wondering where her brother is since Bellamy isn't around for her victory speech. Clarke replies that she will be staying in Polis to make sure Lexa keeps her word. Clarke, Bellamy and Murphy are in one room together, chained up to the wall. Bellamy stands by the dance floor, in his thoughts, noticing Clarke dancing with Cillian as he is approached by Echo. Clarke eventually turns her focus away from Bellamy and back onto saving Jasper. Bellamy asks Diyoza to spare Clarke's life or else all the 283 prisoners in the ship would die. Bellamy says he needs a better reason, and she tells him she can not lose him, too. He pins her against the wall and asks her who she is, Josephine knocks him out with a paralytic shot. Abby says no but also says that she's not able to live with herself for it. She is confronted by Octavia as Blodreina about Bellamy because she can't bear to face him in her subconscious. Bellamy and Clarke reunite for a brief moment. Bellamy is one of the first to notice that "Clarke" is not Clarke. In Survival of the Fittest, Clarke remains at the Grounders camp while Bellamy is traveling to Mount Weather. If the 100 take them off the Ark will think they are dead. Before things can escalate further, Finn interrupts the conversation stating Bellamy should get his own nickname. Can you say anything about what you're thinking as far as where does that leadership now fall? Perhaps we'll see him getting some real responsibility. Both Clarke and Bellamy seemed relieved that Jasper succeeded in blowing up the bridge. He breaks into a run to get to her; however, because of the approaching Ice Nation army, Pike holds him back from going after her. After confronting Monty in her mindspace she decides to keep fighting and sends a Morse code message to Bellamy. Running out of ammo, Clarke is forced to flee through the Anomaly without the book and breaks down on the other side. When tensions begin between the Sky People and the Grounders, Bellamy acts as a shield for Clarke, protecting her. After he takes out the minddrive and restarts her heart, Clarke is still not waking up. [5], Clarke was the 100's leader and essentially became everyone's leader after everyone came down from the Ark. Kane, Monty, Pike, and Hannah eventually catch up to him, but he ignores their pleas to give up the search, unwilling to let Clarke die. That's not in the cards for these two right now, though. I nodded and quickly headed back to the ark to find Bellamy and grab our gear. Meanwhile, Jaha finds a lead to the mysterious Second Dawn. Bellamy promises to bring Madi back to Clarke. It's official that Octavia will fight for Skaikru. Once the real killer is revealed to be Charlotte, Bellamy and Clarke work together to protect her from Murphy. Dr Martin Luther King jr." If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way". During the banquet, Gustus is poisoned. Later when the Boat People offer safe passage, Clarke and Bellamy drink it at the same time before both falling to the ground. - "It's clear to me that these two people have come to need each other and respect each other and love each other on some pretty deep level," Rothenberg says. fan Art of Bellamy and Clarke for fans of Bellamy & Clarke (The 100). He then tells her that he needs to open the door, but Clarke believes that they're saving the human race. Bellamy sees a bunch of the sick Grounders vomiting black liquid. They agree to leave Clarke tied up while they initiate their plans for peace. I think that Kane, in the very brief moment between the two of them, in the dorm, as they're freeing everybody - it's essentially an acknowledgement in so many words of the mistake he made in episode one of this year when he arrested him and they sort of disregarded the fact that these kids had been on the ground for this time and knew way more than they did. He returns with Madi and watches her reunite with Clarke. He demands that Echo removes her suit, but that attempt fails. She believes that, since Bellamy saved Indra's life, he is still redeemable despite being part of the massacre. Later Bellamy and Clarke both attend a party at Sanctum. Apr 5, 2017 - After a disappointing discovery, Clarke and Abby question how far they're willing to go. Outside the gates of Arkadia, Floukru Grounders show up with sick people coughing. In What You Take With You, Bellamy drags Josephine through the forest, trying to find Gabriel. Echo reveals to Clarke that Bellamy isn't dead. Josephine helps her hide in one of the observation points. Clarke and Raven start to talk about how food will be rationed. In response, Clarke echoes her mother's words, "maybe there are no good guys.". At the end of the episode, Bellamy and Clarke are outside Niylah's trading post when Bellamy asks Clarke what you're supposed to do when you're not sure if you're the "good guy". They go down the stairs and after sifting through some cobwebs, they find skeletons. In "Hakeldama", Clarke sneaks into Arkadia to confront Bellamy about his massacre of a Grounder army. She brings up some of their worst moments and calls their relationship weird and exhausting to which Bellamy responds with "Tell me about it". After exchanging some words, Jaha explains that he may know of a place that can hold thousands of people instead of only 100. She starts running to stop Bellamy and pulls a gun on him. Bellamy later allows Finn and Murphy to have guns and go search for Clarke and the other missing Delinquents. He takes Josephine past the radiation shield to find Gabriel Santiago so that he can save Clarke. Jan 9, 2018 - Explore Taylor Malone's board "Bellamy and Clarke", followed by 272 people on Pinterest. When Clarke realizes they were dropped on the wrong mountain, she informs the rest of the 100 that they need to head for Mount Weather. In "Join or Die", Bellamy admits to Clarke that he was really angry at her for leaving and that he doesn't want to feel that way anymore. However, it's untested Nightblood and could prove to be a dangerous decision, Bellamy is worried about her, However, they proceed with saving Emori by replacing her suit and helmet with Clarke's.