Den har alle tilkoblinger som trengs for profesjonelle opptak. Sammenlign priser på Steinberg UR22 MK2 Lydkort. The Cubase AI arrange window with the Amp Simulator and Grungelizer plug-ins visible. Creativity First. What will I get extra with the USB-C model? Das Unternehmen entwickelt, produziert und verkauft seit 1984 innovative Produkte für Musiker und Produzenten aus den Bereichen Musik, Film, Post Production und Multimedia. The most Software .....12 prominent new features are iOS support and a loopback function. Yamaha Steinberg USB Driver has a control panel from which you can select the general settings of the audio driver for Windows and view the information for Mac. The UR22 is a two-in, two-out bus-powered USB 2 audio interface from Steinberg, and is the entry-level unit in a range that includes two bigger brothers, the desktop UR28M and the rackmounted UR824. Steinberg UR22 MK2 Ljudkort - visar egenskaper. about your midi thing. I'd rather spend my money on headphones/headphone amp. Works with Windows XP SP3; Windows 7 SP1; Windows 8 (32- or 64-bit) and Mac OS 10.5.8 to 10.8 (tested using 10.7.2). WIN Prism Sound TITAN audio interface & Waveform Extreme software bundle. Click here to login, The ability to reply to and create new discussions, Access to members-only giveaways & competitions, Interact with VIP industry experts in our guest Q&As, Access to members-only sub forum discussions, Get INSTANT ACCESS to the world's best private pro audio, Promote your eBay auctions and listings for free. Its line inputs and outputs are unbalanced (with the latter being RCA connections), so it may be a little more susceptible to noise. The compact UR22 offers 24-bit, 192kHz recording, a bundled version of Cubase, and a very reasonable price: what's not to like? Produce your songs in the best quality . Level verification is slightly more sophisticated, too, via dual-colour signal/overload LEDs. The UR22's rear panel features a USB 2 port, a switch for the phantom power, MIDI I/O sockets and a pair of audio outputs on quarter-inch jack sockets. All contents copyright © SOS Publications Group and/or its licensors, 1985-2021. The monitoring section has controls to set the level for the main output and the single headphone output, and a mix control takes care of the hardware monitoring, establishing the balance between input signals and playback from the computer. Create a username and password below and an account will be created and your post entered. It comes with Cubase AI, and also Cubasis LE. Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH . Out of the box, first impressions are very favourable. This is a pain when using the hardware monitoring method described above, and has to be side-stepped by turning monitoring off on individual channels when you're preparing for recording. You may login with either your assigned username or your e-mail address. As is common to all Steinberg products, gaining access to the bundled software does require you to jump through a few hoops. Steinberg has maintained the conservative black and silver appearance on the UR22mkII. Recording quality of up to 24-bit/192kHz. The main sticking point, however, is that the software only supports sample rates of up to 96kHz, so users wishing to record at higher rates will need to turn to other software. Ces qualités en font une solution mobile idéale pour l'enregistrement des concerts, des chorales ou pour le field recording. in 2008, the Steinberg audio interface lineup has expanded to cover a wide range of applications with the UR824 and UR28M released in 2011, the UR22 in 2013, the UR44 and UR12 in 2014, and the UR242 in 2015. Support future videos on Patreon: Steinberg UR22C is the successor of the UR22 MKII. I use it as a default DAC and ASIO controller for producing music, listening music and gaming. La Steinberg UR22 MKII se connecte sur le port USB et peut être alimentée soir par le port USB soit par un câble micro-usb standard pour l’utiliser comme mini table de mixage sans la connecter à un ordinateur. I went with the UR22C as it's got USB 3, has slightly better specs and comes bundled with some come software. Tel: +49 (0)40 210 35-0 Fax: +49 (0)40 210 35-300 Au niveau des sorties il ne s’agit n’est pas la carte la plus généreuse qui soit car elle ne possède pas de sortie numérique ou plusieurs sorties ligne mais l’essentiel est présent, c’est à dire, 2 ports Midi (In … Yamaha Steinberg USB Driver UR22 Operation Manual 8 Yamaha Steinberg USB Driver Yamaha Steinberg USB Driver is a software program which allows communication between the UR22 and a computer. It adds S/PDIF digital I/O to the UR22 specification, and its direct monitoring mix can be switched between stereo and dual mono. I used to use the Focusrite Saffire series which I loved but those are obsolete now. Following this, Cubase AI 6 is available for download via a hefty installer file (almost 600MB in size). Those looking for a compact, good-quality audio interface will not be disappointed by the UR22. Direct monitoring has a simple on/off control, but can be switched between stereo and dual-mono modes. I am very happy with the purchase. Also depends on the USB version on your computer. Great sound, great functionality, great design. Grâce au préamplificateur micro D-PRE, l'interface audio UR22mkII est équipée pour offrir un son somptueusement détaillé bien au-delà de ce qu'on atten… If you only require two inputs and outputs and don't need digital connections, this smart little unit should be near the top of your list. They capture life-like performances with ease and a great sense of dynamic range, even at relatively modest sample rates. Prisjakt er en del av Schibsted. Like the Steinberg, it has high-quality preamps, one switchable between line and instrument level. there are cheap converters for like 10 eur (usb to midi converter) which will just do the job fine. I went with the UR22C as it's got USB 3, has slightly better specs and comes bundled with some come software. Specs HERE Do I need a standalone DAC in order to achieve better sound quality? Individual phantom power switching would have been nice. Steinberg UR22 MK2 | Full Specifications: Sound Type: Stereo, Interface Type: USB, Number of channels: 2.0, Analog 3.5mm output: 0, Phantom power is applied to both inputs simultaneously and, while that's not unusual for a unit at this price, individual switching would have really set the UR22 apart from its competitors. Steinberg steht weltweit für professionelle Audio Software- und Hardware-Lösungen. Det er enkelt å sette opp, brukervennlig og har et solid foringsrør som gjør det til et ideelt bærbart lydgrensesnitt. Linterface audio UR22mkII est conçue pour assurer une performance fiable sans compromis et une qualité sonore digne dêtre décrite comme exceptionnelle pour une interface USB alimenté par bus. On the back panel there are two balanced quarter-inch TRS line outputs, MIDI In/Out sockets, and the aforementioned phantom-power switch. Latency and stability won't depend on interface only. With inputs for microphones and instruments (including onboard phantom power), MIDI inputs and outputs, latency-free monitoring with DSP effects and fast, reliable connectivity to computers or iOS devices, it is remarkably versatile. This is perfect for dynamic and ribbon microphones requiring lots of gain. This interface represents a definite step up in quality from the more compact CI series, which employ USB 1.1 and have sample rates limited to 48kHz. When you buy products through links across our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Schibsted er ansvarlig for din brukerdata på denne nettsiden. The Steinberg UR22 MKII USB Audio interface is easy to use and very functional sound card for recording. This interface represents a definite step up in quality from the more compact CI series, which employ USB 1.1 and have sample rates limited to 48kHz. Till produkter. A USB cable is provided in the box, as well as a license card for use when downloading Cubase AI. To further sweeten the deal, the interface comes bundled with Cubase AI, version 6. ラップトップや ios デバイスとこれがあれば、どこでもスタジオクオリティの音楽制作が可能。 選び抜かれたコンポーネントと先進のコネクティビティを兼備し、ハイコストパフォーマンスを実現したコンパクトオーディオインターフェースのベストセラー、ur22 の第二世代。 The issue didn't arise with any non-Cubase software I tested. Sammenlign tilbud fra Steinberg. Cubase 11: The Multiband Squasher | Audio, Distant City Studios - A Drum Room With A Difference, Mastering Essentials Part 6 - Final Delivery: Requirements & Specs, Re: The All-New Behringer Keyboards 'n' Stuff Thread, Re: The old Win XP driver for Behringer Xenyx Q802, The All-New Behringer Keyboards 'n' Stuff Thread, The old Win XP driver for Behringer Xenyx Q802. Steinberg Produkte werden von Grammy®- und Oscar®-prämierten Komponisten, Toningenieuren und … Q. Accessories Steinberg UR22 mk II Getting Started. The Tascam US144 MKII has a slightly lower street price than the UR22 and supports recording up to 24-bit/96kHz. the first ur22 had some ground issues and kind of static noise in the background. This potentiometer is centre-detented to make setting a 50/50 mix a trivial task. This driver provides a control panel allowing Windows users to change buffer settings and sample rate. There's no stereo option for direct monitoring path. Frankenstraße 18 b 20097 Hamburg. It's got an impressive 192 kHz/24-bit audio quality across two channels, its solidly built, has MIDI connectivity and highly acclaimed D-PRE microphone preamps plus software for PC, Mac computers and iPad. Y donde otras ya no dan más de sí, la UR22 destaca por todo lo alto. An easy to use audio interface capable of high-quality results. The Roland Duo-Capture Ex is slightly more expensive than the UR22 and records at resolutions of up to 24-bit/48kHz. Creativity First. Con una frecuencia de muestreo máxima de 192 kHz y una resolución a 24 bits, dispones de todo lo necesario para entregar producciones musicales con garantía de futuro. The contents of this article are subject to worldwide copyright protection and reproduction in whole or part, whether mechanical or electronic, is expressly forbidden without the prior written consent of the Publishers. The Steinberg UR22 mkII is an update of the earlier UR22; the biggest changes are improved audio performance, iOS compatibility (in addition to the previous Mac and Windows compatibility), and being able to power the unit with a USB brick power supply or rechargable USB battery while using it with an iOS device. Inputs are summed to the direct monitoring mix in dual mono, and it would have been great to have a mono/stereo switch for this. To get the hardware up and running, you install a simple USB driver from the disc included in the box. Audio Interface - Low Latency Performance Data Base, Steinberg UR22MkII and Thunderbolt External Drive. Given that its functionality can be expanded exponentially through the addition of freeware or inexpensive third-party VST plug-ins, AI6 constitutes a useful starting point for recording projects. something like that, but i dont remember exactly. Euro cases, Tip Top Mantis, or Doepfer LC6? Usb audio interface (18 pages) Accessories Steinberg UR22C Operation Manual (39 pages) ... the UR22mkII is Configuring Audio Driver Settings on the DAW an evolved descendant of the UR22. Most notably, the UR22 features the same Yamaha D-Pre preamplifiers used in the more expensive UR/MR-series units and Yamaha's N-series mixers, and offers sample rates of up to 192kHz, all of which bodes well for quality at a relatively modest price point. Testaudiotrack zum Download !Kurze Vorstellung des Steinberg UR22 MK II USB Audiointerfaces. The preamps are noticeably less noisy than other units I've used at this end of the market. Med Steinberg UR22 Mk 2 USB Audio Interface kan du registrere, redigere og blande hvor som helst. You need an account to post a reply. Indeed, the same is true for the main outputs if they're cranked to the very highest levels. Indeed, this robustness extends to the controls themselves; the potentiometers all have a solid action and a stiff, flush-mounted toggle switch is used to avoid the accidental switching of phantom power. I put the hardware and software through their paces by recording some acoustic instruments with a condenser microphone. Steinberg UR22 MK2 Lydkort - viser egenskaper. The microphone inputs provide a very healthy level of gain — up to 60dB — and so don't need to be set very high to achieve a desirable level. The UR22mkII is the second version of Steinberg’s flexible audio and MIDI interface. The views expressed are those of the contributors and not necessarily those of the publishers. AI 6's four-band EQ section and other quirky limitations (a maximum compression ratio of 8:1, for example) could well prove restricting for some, but although the bundled reverb plug-in tends to sound quite nasty on acoustic instruments, other plug-ins, such as the amp simulator and the ubiquitous 'Grungelizer', are surprisingly useful, considering the software's entry-level status.